Druid - Circle of the Storm

Druids of the Circle of the Storm revel in the roar of an unbridled thunderstorm, either finding kinship in its chaos or in the stillness found between them. These circle members tend to meet in open fields or on tower rooftops during storms, rather than in the quiet forest glens of other druidic circles. They feel the push and pull of positive and negative forces within nature, using it to transform into streaking bolts of devastating lightning.  

Lightning Leap

  When you choose this circle at 2nd level, you gain the ability to harness the natural power of storms. As an action, you can transform into a streaking bolt of lightning, which surges forward in a line that’s 5 feet wide and up to 15 feet long. You choose the direction of the line. You return to your previous form in the nearest unoccupied space at the end of the line.   The length of the lightning changes as you gain levels in this class, becoming up to 30 feet long at 6th level, 60 feet at 10th level, and 90 feet at 14th level. Each creature within the line of lightning must make a Dexterity saving throw against your druid spell DC. A creature takes lightning damage equal to 2d8 + your druid level on a failed saving throw, and half as much damage on a successful one.   You can use this feature twice and regain all expended uses of it when you finish a short or long rest.   In addition, when you use your Lightning Leap, you can also transform into a beast at the end of the lightning’s line, expending a use of your Wild Shape and following the normal rules for doing so. When you transform in this way, you gain 10 temporary hit points, which last for as long as you remain transformed. While you have these temporary hit points, any creature within 5 feet of you that hits you with a melee attack takes 2 lightning damage. The number of temporary hit points gained and the lightning damage dealt in this way increases by 10 and 1, respectively, when you reach certain levels in this class: 6th level (20 and 3), 10th level (30 and 4), and 14th level (40 and 5).  

Improved Shocking Grasp

  Starting at 2nd level, you also learn the shocking grasp cantrip, which has a range of 30 feet for you, rather than touch, as powerful arcs of electricity shoot from your fingers when you cast the spell. In addition, you can use your shocking grasp while transformed into a beast, even if you wouldn’t normally be able to perform the verbal or somatic components for the spell.  

Perfect Storm

  By 6th level, when you use your Lightning Leap feature, you can stop the line short and continue in a different direction for up to the remaining length of the line before transforming back into your normal form. You can change directions in this way once per use of your Lightning Leap, but can do so twice per use starting at 10th level, and three times at 14th level. Even if you pass through a target multiple times with your Lightning Leap in this way, it can’t take damage from it more than once on a turn.   When you return to your normal or beast form after using your Lightning Leap feature and are within 5 feet of a creature, you can use a bonus action to make a single weapon attack against that creature.   In addition, you always have the call lightning, lightning bolt, and sleet storm spells prepared, which don’t count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.  

Live Wire

  When you reach 10th level, you gain resistance to lightning damage. In addition, when you roll for initiative and have no uses of Lightning Leap remaining, you regain one use.  

Living Tempest

  At 14th level, you are an embodiment of the storm. You have resistance to thunder damage and can’t be deafened. Further, you can’t be moved against your will by wind or water, and your shocking grasp cantrip has a range of 60 feet, instead of 30. In addition, magical and non-magical fog doesn’t impede your vision, and if you’re in a rainstorm, you can choose where the rain lands within a 30-foot radius of you.


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