Paladin - Oath of the Watchtower

The Oath of the Watchtower is devoted to the stewardship of its land and the people who live there. While traditional paladins leap to meet danger head-on, paladins who swear this oath are empowered to smite evil where it stands from afar. Often reserved by their very nature, these paladins stand as stoic landmarks in the midst of turmoil, and offer guid- ance and safety to those in their care. Many have served as town guards or stood watch atop castle battlements, and are equally likely to favor a bow and arrow as they are a sword and shield.  

Tenets of the Watchtower

  The tenets of the Oath of the Watchtower hold a paladin to protect their flock and keep an ever-mindful eye, as danger is always lurking in the shadows.   Guard the Flock. Your vigilant watch is the first line of defense against impending evil. Harbor the Weary. Your steadfast protection provides comfort and safety. Show the Way. Your patience and guidance shine a light for others to find their path.  

Oath Spells

  You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed.  
Oath of the Watchtower Spells
(Paladin Level / Spells)
3rd / guiding bolt, longstrider
5th / see invisibility, warding bond
9th / magic circle, sending
13th / death ward, guardian of faith
17th / flame strike, hallow

Channel Divinity

  When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity options.  
Divine Sniper. You can empower a weapon with divine precision using your Channel Divinity. As a bonus action, you touch a bow or crossbow within your reach. You can use your Charisma modifier, instead of Dexterity, for any attack and damage rolls you make with it for the next 8 hours or until you finish a short or long rest. For the duration, you can use your Divine Smite feature when you hit a target with a ranged weapon attack using it. When you do, the extra dam- age dice are d6s, instead of d8s.
  If you later gain the Improved Divine Smite feature, you deal an extra 1d6 radiant damage whenever you hit a creature with a ranged attack using this bow or crossbow.  
Warding Tower. During a short or long rest, you can create a magical ward around you to safeguard your respite using your Channel Divinity. At the start of the rest, you can spend 10 minutes warding the area in a 15-radius circle on the ground, after which point a 15 foot tall cylinder extends upward from the circle. The cylinder remains until the rest ends, you roll initiative, or you leave the area, up to 8 hours. The cylinder is transparent from the inside, but is shrouded by camouflaging illusions from the outside, allowing creatures to see to the other side of the cylinder, as if it weren’t there. Creatures outside the cylinder only become aware of it with a successful Wisdom (Perception) check against your paladin spell save DC, but make the check with a penalty equal to half your paladin level (rounded up). In addition, The Griffon's Saddlebag16you are mentally alerted whenever a Tiny or larger creature whom you haven’t designated, as per the alarm spell, comes within 30 feet of the cylinder.
  Any light from open flames inside the space, such as a campfire, torches, or similar, isn’t visible outside it. The atmosphere inside the space is comfortable and dry, regard- less of the weather outside. Until the rest ends or you leave the cylinder, you can command the interior to become dimly lit or dark.   If you have no more uses of your Channel Divinity, you can still use this option by expending a spell slot of 1st level or higher as part of creating the magical ward. When you do, the maximum number of hours that it can remain is equal to twice the level of the spell slot used.  

Aura of Vigilance

  Starting at 7th level, you gain a bonus to Wisdom (Perception) checks you make that rely on sight; this bonus is equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of +1). You also exude a watchful aura, which extends from you and protects you and friendly creatures within 10 feet of you. Affected creatures within the aura can’t be surprised, and opportunity attacks against them are made with disadvantage.   You can choose to move the origin of your Aura of Vigilance to another willing creature. As an action when you touch a creature, or as part of the action to use your Lay on Hands feature, you can choose to make that creature the origin of your Aura of Vigilance. Alternatively, when you deal damage to a target with your Divine Smite, you can move the origin to a willing creature that you can see within 5 feet of that target. The aura originates from this creature until you’re more than 150 feet away from it, until it dies, or until you use a bonus action to end the effect, at which point the aura returns to you. Moving the aura’s origin to a different creature removes it from the first. While the aura is originating from another creature, you can use an action to sense the direction of its location. Any other aura that you have is not moved by this feature.   At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.  

Sentinel's Aid

  Beginning at 15th level, you can use your Lay on Hands feature on a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you, instead of a creature you touch. To do so, you must expend twice as many hit points from your pool as normal.   In addition, you can take the Search action as a bonus action on your turn.  

Avatar of the Watchtower

  At 20th level, your steadfast presence provides your allies with boundless confidence and protection. You can use an action to gain the following benefits for 1 minute:  
  • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • You regain 10 hit points at the start of each of your turns while you have at least 1 hit point.
  • Friendly creatures in your Aura of Vigilance are consid- ered to have half cover against hostile attacks and effects.
  • Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


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