Wizard - School of Wand Lore

Some children grow up sword-fighting with sticks and become solders, but you’ve learned how to turn a simple stick into something more powerful than a blade. The study of wand lore delves deeper into old magic, beyond the normal lists of components and incantations, and into the rich history and tradition of wandcraft. As a wizard of wand lore, you know that a mage’s true power can be amplified with the right tool: for you, that tool is a wand of your own creation.  

Core Wand

  When you choose this tradition at 2nd level, you create a special wand called a core wand, which you can use as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells. You determine the wand’s appearance, and only you are capable of using it. You can use a bonus action to summon the wand to your hand, regardless of physical or planar distances. If this wand is destroyed, you can create a new one over the course of 8 hours of work.   Your core wand gains power each time you use it to cast a spell. This power is represented by core charges. The wand can have up to 7 core charges at a time, and whenever you finish a long rest, the number of core charges in the wand resets to 1. Whenever you expend a spell slot to cast a spell of 1st level or higher while holding your wand, it gains up to a number of core charges equal to half the spell’s level (minimum of 1). You can expend these core charges in the following ways:  
  • Whenever you make an attack roll or saving throw, you can expend any number of core charges to gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of core charges spent. You can wait until after you roll the d20, but must decide before the GM says whether the roll succeeds or fails.
  • Whenever you are hit by an attack, you can expend any number of core charges from your wand as a reaction to gain a bonus to AC against that attack equal to the number of core charges spent.

    Wand Savant

      Starting at 2nd level, you can interpret staves and wands the way other wizards read scrolls and spellbooks. If a staff or wand in your possession can cast a spell that’s on the wizard spell list, you can copy the spell into your spellbook as if you were copying a spell from a scroll. In addition, when you cast a wizard spell with a range of touch while holding your core wand, you can choose a target that you can see and isn’t behind cover up to 10 feet away from you instead. At 14th level, this range increases to 30 feet.  

    Arcane Battery

      Beginning at 6th level, when you use your Arcane Recovery feature, your core wand regains 3 expended core charges.   In addition, you gain a new option to use your wand’s core charges. When you cast a spell that targets only one creature and forces it to make a saving throw while you’re holding your core wand, you can expend up to 3 core charges to gain a bonus to that spell’s save DC equal to the number of core charges spent.  

    Imbue Minor Wand

      Starting at 10th level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can imbue a number of wizard spells from your spellbook up to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one) into a non-magical stick, dowel, or similar Tiny object, transforming the object into a magic wand. Each spell must be a cantrip or a 1st- or 2nd-level spell and have a casting time of 1 action or bonus action. In addition, the spells can’t require concentration or require any material components that indicate a cost or are consumed as part of casting the spell, and if the spell is a cantrip, it mustn’t be able to damage a target.   The wand has a number of charges equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) with which to cast the imbued cantrips (0 charges), 1st-level spells (1 charge), or 2nd-level spells (2 charges). A creature holding the wand can use an action to cast one of the spells from it using your spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability. The wand ceases to be magical the next time you finish a long rest.  

    Manifest Charges

      When you reach 14th level, you can convert the core charges within your wand into raw, arcane energy. By manipulating this energy, you can use the wand’s core charges in the following new ways:  
  • As a bonus action, you can expend 1 or more of the wand’s core charges to create a number of motes of magical force equal to the core charges spent. Each mote streaks toward a different target that you can see within 60 feet of you, dealing force damage to each target equal to 1d4 + your Intelligence modifier.
  • When you or another creature that you can see within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your reaction to expend 1 or more of the wand’s core charges to create a magical barrier, reducing the damage taken by an amount equal to three times the number of core charges spent.
  • In addition, you have gained a supreme mastery and understanding of wands. If you expend the last charge of a staff or wand, you needn’t roll a d20, even if it says to. Further, the gold and time you must spend to craft a magic wand is halved.


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