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Iuernia is at war. A conflict between the mortal kingdoms for hundreds of years has met its boiling point, and war tearing through the world like a wildfire. The fertile fields of Rampére go fallow as farmers join their sons and daughters in battle. The newly-formed Orc nation of Hahrzrig joins its military might with the masked wyvern warriors of Mirrorlight, taking out their aggression against the descendants of the elves that hunted them for sport. Meanwhile, the dwarves of northern Myropa are forced to choose a side as death and destruction can be heard in the hills and mountains of their homes.   There is a thin veil that separates Iuernia from the Realms Beyond, but that aetheral fabric has been pierced too many times by ambitious mages and corrupt rulers. As armies fight each other, and common people fight against the diseases that plague them, who will stand to fight the monsters?   In this world filled with people only interested in their own self-preservation, small groups of heroes are unique indeed. Our stories will follow these adventurers as they walk the treacherous paths of their destinies, and fight their own battles in the War of Rocs and Wyverns.