Ivistokin Fall of the Old Empire
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Fall of the Old Empire


The Fall of the Old Empire and the establishment of the Republic

The Fall of the Old Empire began in 5 B.R. (Before the Republic), after the current emperor, Svitlav, a descendant of the God-Emperor himself, died. His firstborn son, Vatrik, became the emperor, but his uncle, Tekiz, laid a claim to the throne, saying Svitlav had named him his heir before his death. The ensuring civil war was bloody, and Tekiz started winning the war, by leading a force of 5000 men into battle with the less trained smaller force of his nephew (4500) men. The initial clash was a success to Tekiz, and many thought the war was won. But after the battle, a force of 6000, led by Vatrik himself, fell down on Tekiz and made him flee. In the year 4 B.R., Tekiz tried again to ensure a victory, in the Battle of the Wide Plain, but he was defeated, and his forces driven away once more. A truce of two years was signed between Vatrik and Tekiz, but at the end of the first half of the second year, Tekiz, breaking the truce, attacked the capital and laid siege to it. At the same time this happened, a force of barbarians invaded the south of the Empire, totaling 5000 men. Tekiz and Vatrik united forces, and marched down to stop their advance. The much larger host of nearly 10000 men crushed the barbarians, but, at the heat of the battle, Tekiz tried to kill Vatrik, but unsuccessfully, they then started a duel, at the middle of the battlefield. At the end, Vatrik killed Tekiz, but was killed right after. At the end of the battle, the Empire was leaderless. In the year 1 B.R, at the end of it, a council was established, and the internal situation was managed. At the dawn of the first day of the year zero of the new calendary, the Republic was founded, and the nine members of the High Council elected, aswell as the 44 of the svitsk, the president among the nine members of the High Council, and the maximum judge among the 44 of the svitsk.

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