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Iyelon (The Severed Realms)

Year 1823 PS

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Iyelon was once the name of the unified dragon realms, where each dragon-race lived in peace with one another. However, that age of peace has long been forgotten. A war known as "The War of Woe", brought on by greed, threw Iyelon into chaos and turmoil, destroying the once peaceful bond each realm had with the other. Many dragons lost their lives to this war and the realms were subsequently weakened, with another consequence being the seperation of families.   After the War of Woe had ended, the survivors were left scrambling to survive. Hostility grew larger despite the war being over, and no one dared trust each other, thus leading to the seperation of the realms and the creation of empires and kingdoms. Nowadays, the name "Iyelon" has been forgotten and in its place the world is now called "The Severed Realms".   Conflicts, scuffles and wars still carry on as of today with no hope of the peaceful Iyelon ever returning.
    If you are interested to read the comic following the current story of Iyelon, feel free to follow this link onto my deviantart! https://www.deviantart.com/jagafree234/art/The-Severed-Realms-of-Iyelon-COVER-921543216

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