082: Ralts

Ralts is a trickster spirit, but it is small enough that its pranks don't do much other than spook people. It is often a favourite 'imaginary' friend of children in the Longroot Settlement.

Starting Move Set

Move Type Tier Class Effect
Astonish Ghost 1 Physical If it deals 3+ damage, target flinches
Confusion Psychic 1 Special Target is confused on a critical hit
Double Team Normal 1 Status Add 1 die to defensive roll
Hypnosis Psychic 1 Status Target falls asleep, no damage dealt


  Tiny Poltergeist Pokémon   Type: Psychic/Ghost   Height: 0.4 m (1'4")   Weight: 0.1 kg (0.2 lbs)   Ability: levitate - This pokémon is unaffected by ground type moves   Habitat: High Canopy Wood

Base Stats

Stat Value
Attack 2
Defense 1
Sp. Attack 3
Sp. Defense 2
Speed 2
Tier 1


Ralts → Kirlia → Gheistshee


Move Type Tier Class Effect
Astonish Ghost 1 Physical If it deals 3+ damage, target flinches
Confusion Psychic 1 Special Target is confused on a critical hit
Double Team Normal 1 Status Add 1 die to defensive roll
Hypnosis Psychic 1 Status Target falls asleep, no damage dealt
Lick Ghost 1 Physical If it deals 3+ damage, target is paralyzed
Mimic Normal 1 Status Choose a move from opponent's move set and replace mimic with it
Psybeam Psychic 2 Special Target is confused on a critical hit
Shadow Ball Ghost 2 Special If 3+ damage is dealt, remove 1 die from opponent's sp. def dice pool
Night Shade Ghost 2 Special Damage caused by this move is equal to user's tier

Cover image: by Robin Hildebrand


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