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Soledad de la Fuego Ardiente

Soledad de la Fuego Ardiente

Resistance fighter and general thorn in the side of the Inquisition forces of Castille. The rise of the Third Prophet to everything from her and she will never forget that.

Twenty-something runaway escaping persecution for being part of a resistance faction against her home crown; the nation of Castilian. Human Fighter – Unarmed Fighter (Rune Knight)

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Chaotic Good
Current Residence
The Currant Dahlia
Steel Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Chapter V

The Rock Bottom tavern   Castillians are in the Mithril Cradel tavern (The nice inn)   Elame in the Gleaming Mountain tavern           Last day at the docks Ligaya summons hawk familiar to scout   We're staying on the ship keeping watch with the bird and letting Mez sneak to the   Mez was successful, but encountered a school of fish who were asking questions which seems like it could be odd ( I don't know this currently)       Plan worked the trading ship was separated from the guard ship Ship sea battle allowed us to get to boarding action   Soledad swang from the rigging to board first mid ship. Giant growth mid swing to land in giant form. Knocked out an enemy crew member at with a landing punch.   There are multiple wizards with the Castilians which is extremely odd.   Mez destroyed a small boat coming up from behind us.   The capatian used shatter around Soledad killing the enemies around her   Lucy killed the mage very gruesomly   set fire to the ship         Teadoro - message about what has happened in Kugrum. After we left there was a incident where the vagabond showed up. Responded with: No knowledge of vagbond in Kugrum. Stopped shipped of mithral to Castillain. Inquistor sighted on guard ship The Lance.     Went to Porto Ricchezze - Captain Shivershanks is there.  

Chapter IV

Saved Mez from the darkmantal also stalgmite creature (Roper?)   Captain was unconscience carreid by soledad   We gave the wizard (worbin seasteel) the mysterious book bead in the book is cursed - some sort of runic magic Never speak of this again   met up with the dwarves - arrested - interrogated - released Our original patron was tor oakmaster - leader of the shipwrights   being watched by the castilians being watched by rival dwarven guilds   We know which ships the lance and anvil are.   Elame fully shaven male dwarf - third party - was given the image of the rune. Tor regards Elame well.     2 days left on our timeline

Chapter III

Town is built on the mountain. Need to climb stairs up the mountatin from the docks down below   Commotion was occuring when we got to port Otherwise very orderly   Commotion is a bunch of dwarves protesting the Castilians Hey O - Hey O - the Reds have got to go!   Deal has lord mayors permission - straight from the king Order of Master Shipwrights uhappy with the "deal" Crown trying to sidestep the guild Tor Oakmaster of clan Oakmaster -   "Mithril cradel" Tavern/Inn where Castilian are at   The captain was attacked by illusion monkeys This illusion then spread and other people could see the monkey A dwarf named Grover came and dispelled the illusion Grover is the apprentice of Whurdbin Seasteel - Illusionist   Struck a deal with Tor to help with the removal of an Earth Elemental We had a grand night drinking with the dwarves!   Headed down into the tunnels Mez sang a song in primordial The elemental said   "tainted" "stones" "away"   We asked if the elemental could take us to the taint so that we could help "follow" We followed the elemental who presented itself as a crack in the stone We followed this for a time umtil a certain point the crack became wider to allow entry. Mez entered the cave I do now know that she found a cursed item in a box in the cave. This is the taint - she grabbed the item and the cave began to collapse End episode

Chapter II

In reviewing the documentation it was White-Claw was planning a raid on a mithril shipment from the Dwarves of Kugrum to Vaticine City. Scheduled to leave in two weeks. Guarded by a warship.   *1300cp *1200sp *50gp (260copper 240silver 10gold for each party member) 2 gold bloodstone rings total worth 250gp 3 gems 10gp each pistol and ammo - Claimed by Soledad pair of gloves = magical Gloves: Arrow snaring > Claimed by Ligaya large gem - gem of seeing - Claimed by Lucielle (command word to gain true sight) Captain Jo'lie claimed White-claw's sword Black and gold scimitar "Hangman's Grin" +1 cast Bane 1/long rest ---------------- We have decided to go after the Mithril shipment. We set sail for Puerto Castella to port and resupply before attempting to go after the shipment.   Puerto Castella is a pirate haven, but technically under the authority of Castella. Those who don't attack Castilian ships are welcome. As such we are keeping our dealings on the down low. ---------------- Met by a harbor master (Joseph Crumlin) who asked for a bribe when docking. Our Quartermaster - First Mate Ramiro is taking care of repairs and restock   Tavern "The Drunken Parrot" Galmund - Proprietor of the Drunken Parrot   Cpatain Shivershankes (she) - We are familiar with her.   Inquisition force - small detachment is here as a show ownership of the island ---- Rumors from Galmund:   Heard tail from the barkeep of a rumor of a Treasure fleet from Valencia setting sail.   Nobel is asking for the retrieval of a ship. Nobel's name is Albrecht - Has manservant Half-Orc.   Inquisitor looking for people as always.   Resistance Faction seems Faomea Bay is generally where those Resistance members who are Wanted by the Inquisition.   Four main powers in the region: Valencha Castilian Cerulean Merchants Alliance Elves of Anuenue   Valencha and Castilian are old allies who have had rising tensions due to the change in Castilian... ethics. --- Mezrathyn played a game of darts while at the tavern Captain Jo'lie had a conversation with Shivershanks which was, mostly friendly --- Ligaya and Mez were extorted by a parrot that they wanted information from... Mez used her Druid animal speech to talk to the Parrot who traded information for crackers The passed out man who owns the parrot - He saw the "man with a sun in his eye" taken by inquisition in Vaticine City. --- While the crew was settled in Jo'lie had a conversation with Shivershanks alone Afterwards Shivershakes shouts for her crew and they leave. --- Ith's Lizard folk clan are active around saltmarsh The parrot wants a share of the loot to join the crew --- We have made a plan to impersonate ourselves as a merchant ship and make port at Kugrum. While in port Mez is going to sabotage the hull of the war ship so that the bilge begins to fill during their voyage. Once the warship sinks or detours to the uncharted island we swoop in to take the mithril ship. If the war ship is beached but not sunk we may also be able to take the warship. ---- Lucielle used the seeing stone to find a secret on the maps "Where the towering three watch the isle of beasts, over the valleys and through their creators, atop the bluff lies Crimson Claude and his prizes, surely one great treasure deserves another?" - Stormwing Map ---- Kugrum is around 7k person population. Set sail that same day for Kugrum from Puerto Castella. Encountered a fog during the trip. Safely made port at Kugrum. ------   Offered option of using Lucille's illusion to create ghostly seemings on the warship to lower their moral before they set sail.

Chapter I

After a theft gone wrong the party has been captured by the evil pirate White-Claw and locked in his brig. Can they escape in time before their goose gets cooked?   Rolled Slight of hand prior to the start of session to bring two items from my sheet with me: knife and lockpicks.   ------------   The ship that the party are locked-up in is the Sabretooth; a Man-0'War, the flagship of Captain White-Claw.   Lucielle cast illusion of a siren song to distract guard. Ligaya slipped her chains via Misty Step after summoning her Warlock blade. Mezrathyn slipped via wild shape, by turning into a cat and retrieving the keys to the cell. Unfortunately, the guard became aware and alerted the rest of the ship's crew.   Several members of the Sabretooth's crew were fought in the escape. After giant strength-ing to fight the Swashbuckler, Soledad broke through the wall to the main section of the ship where the cannons are mounted. Soledad blew a hole in the deck and mast by firing a cannon from their ship upwards. Lucielle set the top deck on fire with a lightning bolt.   Mezrathyn located the lost map with locate object and Soledad ripped open a way to the Captain's quarters. Looted from Captain White-Claw's quarters: Chest and both tables of the captain's quarters were looted, and the Captains weapon (which was taken directly from his hand) Cartographers tools During the looting a trap was triggered that poisoned Mezrathyn. She is currently paralyzed until the effects wear off.   The Sabretooth is at best severely crippled, if not destroyed. The only survivor of the ship was Captain White-Claw and some non-combatant deckhands who were attempting to save the ship.   Note: Our First mate has some sort of magic pistol. Note: There were injuries and some overboards, but every member of the Dahlia was able to make it back to the ship. Note: The Sabretooth has a room with a conspiracy board that included charts pointing to the Frostborn Mountains.


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