BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

High level story, so far...

  • The Wonders headed from Heart to Port Witchead to find out more of why Heart of the Forest crystal was to be stolen.
  • Leads in Delgar's Cavern and then the confesions of Gareth showed The Guild were involved. Cassia also mentioned there'd been more activity by The Guild in Port Witchead recently.
  • Two dwarves, Thill and Anthen travelled to Heart in seek of Zorion because the Heart of the Mountain where they live in Rockforge had been recently stolen. Unfortunatly by this time Zorion was dead, so the Wonders said they'll try to help.
  • A letter to Zorion from Bearizona of the Philosopher Guild spoke about another Philosopher Guild member being kidnapped: Endomith. Because of this and other disruption they were unable to send people to help out with the ritual at the Spring Start Festival as usual.
  • On the way to Port Witchead, at Traders Stop they are attacked by a Quaggoth and his Death Dogs. On killing the Quaggoth, and saving a traveling merchant they contine to Port Witchead.
  • In Port Witchead the Wonders found Dr Rizen trying to create a sea army out of children from Witchead Orphanage. The new army members were to be collected by pirates.
  • On getting to The Guild's HQ. Defeating an Intellect Devourer who had control of the head of The Guild, Mouse, they learnt that Cefise was behind it (a name they'd heard before). Cefise was using The Guild to implement his plans: steal the Heart of the Forest and build a sea army. The Heart of the Mountain is most likely connected, and the sea army may be to get the Heart of the Sea.
  • With Mouse on their side but Nubian still effected by the Intelect Devourer they seek help from Brother Carter at the Temple of Asclepius. After a shopping trip for diamond dust, Brother Carter does revive Nubian Asiatic but also releases a Putrid Spirit from her shortsword. With suspision high, the Wonderers investigate the basement of the Temple of Asclepius to find a Book of Necromancy and some animated skelitons, along with the letter Jerrol had sent Brother Carter about the children at Witchead Orphanage needing help thrown away.
  • After a return to the hideout the Wonderers try to get passage on a boat and hear about the Silver Slave pirate ship from and a ship being commisioned by Cefise at Seawright Shipyard that Mouse forges documents to elect the wonderers as officers.
  • Once rested, they sneek out of the city via the river and around the palace into the Old Quarry, Sir Chase and two gardeners are on their toes. A battle with goblins and Sir Chase happens and Shrak convinces Rhaegel they know eachother and should continue their quest to enter Olympus, leading him through a portal to Skyshard Mountains to find their third companion, much to Mimi's dispair
  • They continue to Witchead Jail and manage to save Cassia and Endomith from the cells guarded by Sir Sleep and Sir Sit, exiting before Nethley returns
  • Endomith explains her work at Philosopher Guild is studying portals, Cefise has been supplying her the metal required to make them. In her lab, they found one of her portals within the wall. Jumping to the other portal she'd made, they found a dark crystol on apparatus at the centre of The Guild symbol laberanth
  • Moving the Celestial bronze rings sucked them into the crystal, a dark world that caused throughts of selfishness, greed and aggression.
  • On investigating a wizards tower, meeting and curing Frances Maidstone and facing off another Xorn the Wonderers find a mineshaft down to god skull mine.
  • Working out that damaging the skulls glowing red eyes weakens it enough for everyone to escape via the portal, the wonderes leave the dark crystol world with Celestial bronze ore and Mable Maidstone.
  • The portal they were expecting to be at Endomith's lab is being transported by Sir Sit and Mouse. Dealing with Sir Sit they continue the journey back into The Forest and sleep at a lumber camp.
  • That evening the portal activates again, differently. Albion, Endomith and Mimi enter a creapy wood and meet up with Charon , Meldolon Forstadt and Thors .
  • They are provoked and battle animated trees and then some Quaggoths and a Mind Flayer who states they've all been "a thorn in Cefise's side"


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