Common Lore Dump

Common Lore of Jade Isles     B.J.E (Before Jade Emperor)
  • Fengdu 'City of Ghosts' is founded as a gateway into the Afterlife
  • The Ever Queen ascends to the role of the Custodian of the City of Ghosts, where souls are judged
  • The Order of the Ferrymen was created to steward Souls to Fengdu 'City of Ghosts'
  ~ 1000 years prior
  • Jade Elemental summoned and wreaks have upon the land.
  • Ascension of the first Jade Emperor
  • a man climbs the Jade Peaks and entreats Nomos for help.
  • Nomos agrees on the condition that the people unite under the virtues of the Stone Oaths
  • Nomos fights the Jade Elemental, being grievously wounded in the process, but is able to seal it away.
  • Divine blood mires with Elemental blood, creating Jade Deposits
  • Nomos leaves stewardship of the seal to the man who entreated him and his future reincarnations
  • It is believed that the divine blood of Nomos reacts to those with the divine right to rule.
  • Man brings Stone Oaths to the people and ascends the throne as Jade Emperor.
  • Every 100 years, a reincarnation of the Emperor goes through a series of Holy Trials and ascends the Jade Peaks to renew the seal.
  • Temples are built on Jade deposit sites. The divine blood in Jade deposits reacts to possible reincarnations of the Jade Emperor.
  • Temples were built to protect the Jade from those who do not embody the Stone Oaths and to reward those who do with Jade Brands in a coming-of-age ceremony.
  • Each Temple constructs a holy trial to test possible candidates. After each trial, candidates are granted access to the Jade deposits.
  • Candidates touch the Jade deposit to see if it glows.
  • Seekers start to offer services to escort Candidates through Trials
  • Glowing Jade deposits indicate Divine blood is present in the candidate and is suitable for the Final Trial
  • The final Trial Involves Emperor candidates to sit upon the Jade Throne
  • Each Temple brings a Jade Heart to connect to Jade Throne
  • The glowing Jade Throne indicates the true Jade Emperor
  ~95 years prior to adventure (The Calamity/Ascension of the False Emperor)  
  • Seekers and Jade Emperor ascend the Jade Peaks and the ceremony fails for an unknown reason.
  • Jade Elemental was partially released and devastated the southern regions (Rotting Wastes) and encased the awaiting armies below in jade (The Elites)
  • The seal is incomplete and the Jade Elemental's presence is felt throughout the land (Monsters, corrupted Jade, cultists, etc.)
  • Jade Isles in chaos
  • Emperor Regent assumes authority to maintain stability in the region
  ~70 years prior to adventure  
  • Strange anomalies are seen in the Rotting Wastes and monsters emerge from corrupted Jade.
  • Due to the collapse of civilization in the Rotting Wastes, the area becomes lawless. Bands of marauders attack trade routes and borders
  • Jade Imperiums falls into decline.
    40~ 30 years prior
  • Strong diplomatic and economic ties were established between the lron Legion and outside influences.
  • Iron Legion betrays and assassinates the Shogun
  • Iron Legion wages war on Isle of Blossoms
  • New technologies emerges in Iron Legion
  • Iron Legion engages in territorial war with neighboring regions
  • Emperor Regent’s son inherits Regency
  • Emperor Regent is wary of the Calamity and seeks to find the rightful Emperor through untraditional means
  • Outright war Is raging among factions
  • The Regency’s political power is weak.


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