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Aithlin (AYTH-LIN)

Twilight forest city



Aithlin is an elegant but natural-looking palace. There are a number of structures in the branches of trees, which were linked by rope ladders, walkways, and bridges of silver rope and white planks. Aithlin has no formal leadership and no formal laws (most laws being decided among a council of the Patriarchs) , but nevertheless the inhabitants are able to live in harmony with each other and with the land through a vague sense of ownership between sister-houses.  

Aithlin forrest

Aithlin is a large, dense forest, it remained a large mysterious forest with old secrets for many centuries. Aithlin is home to a major river which provide water to its inhabitants: the Duathamper (or the Elvenflow) runs along the southeastern border of the forest. The river is generally deep and wide, although it does become narrow and shallow enough in places to wade across. It has a large population of bass, catfish and trout.  


The city is divided amongst six houses that all wood elves of Aithlin descend from, these houses all have roles in the community and children belonging to them are brought up and taught the main professions of the house. Each house has a sister house which is ancestrally linked, through marriage of great heroes of old, or by long standing political ties. The six houses and their roles are listed below:
  • Jandar- The guards and military of Aithlin, they run the prison out of their family manor and help to rehabilitate prisoners. “The strength of Aithlin”
  • Nightgrove- They supply any food and water to the city, they run the livestock farms and collect water from Duathamper. “The life of Aithlin”
  • Twilightrose- Some folk refer to the Twilightrose family as “farmers” this could not be further from the truth, though they do raise and breed animals for farms, they are also purveyors of powerful druids who raise and grow plants with ease. “Nature's Ally”
  • Eatherlight- The crafting family, every Eatherlight knows the basics to carpentry, tailoring and architecture. Some will go on to specialise in blacksmithing but most are content on simpler and less violent forms of building. “The creators of society”
  • Silvershade- If it needs enchanting, protecting or any other form of arcane manipulation, then its the Silvershade’s business, they protect the city with magical auras and aid in the protection of the city. “The Spellweavers”
  • Breezestrider- The Breezestriders are rangers and scouts, they are trained to be impartial and firm adjudicators, all Breezestriders are followers of Turgon and go on to be representatives and diplomats. “The Voices of reason”


Each house has a Sister-house which is ancestrally linked, through marriage of great heroes of old, or by long standing political ties. Men and women from a sister-houses are more likely to marry, though it is not mandatory. House Jandar and House Breezestrider are sisters, House Nightgrove and house Twilightrose are sisters, and house Eatherlight and Silvershade are sisters.  

House Patriarch

The Patriarch is an important part of Aithlin society, as it is the highest honour bestowed to a member of the household. Though it is not a rule, this honour is usually given to the eldest member of the house. The Patriarch’s two main responsibilities are the betterment of the house as a whole, and a betterment of all of Aithlin.  

Death of a Patriarch

When a Patriarch dies, the council of Patriarchs will gather and select three candidates from the House to become the new Patriarch, those three candidates will then be closed in a room called the Aithanon together for a month and at the end of the month will vote amongst themselves who becomes the new Patriarch. If no consensus is reached, they go back into the Aithanon for another month. The funeral of a Patriarch is a momentous occasion; the house without a Patriarch will mourn for a week, no one in or out of the estate. After the mourning period a precession carrying the coffin and grieving family will walk through the streets of Aithlin, stopping at each house along the way for the fellow Patriarchs to pay their respects. The Patriarch of the sister house will then join the precession with his immediate family and follow them back to the house to be buried in the House catacomb.  


The Patriarch creates the rules and laws of the house and enforces them. These will anything from standard civilized society rules of no murder, to personalized rules based on the house’s unique place in society. For example: A law for Twilightrose’s may be to never harm an animal unless as an act of euthenasia or food.  


As the figurehead of the house, the Patriarch is personally responsible if a member of his household transgresses against another house, and a council of the Patriarchs of the other houses will decide the punishment for the offending Patriarch. The Patriarch of the transgressor will decide the punishment in house, the Patriarch is not obligated to tell the council any details of the punishment he has decided.

Strong deeds, gentle words.

Political system: Parlimentry government   Leader: The Patriarchs   Worships: Pelor, Tymora, Melora   Racial Populace: Wood Elf 90% Drow Prisoners 5% High Elf 5%

Notable Figures:

  Julianus Jandar (PATRIARCH)   Brynn (ADVENTURER)

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