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Avida Swoon

Ally and Friend

"I have seen evil, I have seen death. So if you think I can't handle a pirate and a creepy old man in a funeral dress, you are sorely mistaken mate." -Avida Swoon

Avida Swoon was born in Candor, she grew up in a wealthy family and got a decent education, eventually moving to Newtongrav to study Conjuration. Her schooling was paid for by her father and mother, who doted on their youngest of six daughters. While studying at Newtongrav she met the love of her life, Jacob Vineman, in one of her classes. They hit it off immediately, they both grew up in Candor, both had family who became clergy for Pelor and both went on to study Conjuration in Newtongrav. Soon after graduation, they decided to settle down. They married in the temple of Pelor on Korim's fall, the day the sun is the most brightest in the sky.  

Death of Jacob

The two lovers moved back to Candor, and bought a home in Ackordan. They together began working on an alchemist shop to sell simple potions and poisons, Jacob would manage the poison distillery as well as the shop front, being the more social of the two. Avida managed the potions, elixirs and also the finances of the shop. They stayed close with Avida's family, until her parents passed on. They lived happily, until the day their alchemical shop was robbed.

The day Jacob died was a day of celebration for most, the Harvest Fest. While Avida was out purchasing alchemical supplies for the shop, the store was broken into and Jacob was killed. The bandits killed Jacob for 150gp and three minor healing potions. Avida was distraught, she had lost people before but the death of her husband had broken her.  

Enemies Turned Allies

After the events of Jacobs death Avida found her way into the service of the Lord of Loss and became one of his trusted advisers. She was in charge of numerous followers and the establishing of the portals across eastern Jafare. During her time she became Zealot in her dedication to Soroker, who claimed he could revive Jacob. She did realised however that she had been charmed by the lord, and had began to have Stockholm Syndrome. She did however have her resentments, Soroker would claim one date, then push it back, he would forget Jacobs name and would brush off Avida's concerns. She met two other followers who shared her concerns, Davinakor, a human wizard who had lost his wife and defected shortly after, and Magnus Muldoon A titan of a man who had lost his daughter.

During one of her portal set ups in Lil' Candor, Avida was chased by a band of adventurers looking to stop the Lord of Loss from his plans. They fought her and eventually captured her, before travelling through the feywild. The combination of being knocked out, the memory potion she took before they captured her and travelling to the feywild undid the magical hold the Lord of Loss had over Avida. Though the magic had been broken, it took weeks for the band of adventurers to convince her that she had been deceived. She became unlikely friends with this group, eventually working with them to dismantle Soroker's plans and save the world from his maniacal ways. She lost many friends in the battle, but she had seen death before and had learnt for to look away.  


During the battle her dear friend Magnus Muldoon died. His body could not be recovered as it was at the bottom of a bit of decay, and he was too big for them to carry out. She decided now that she had no home (as she had sold everything to Soroker when she joined his cult), no family (because of Soroker's lies) and no goals. She decided if she could not rebuild her own life and legacy, she could at least rebuild the legacy of her friend. She re-opened Magnus old Gem store, on the road west of Ushor.

The shop specialises in gemstones and glass decorations, which Magnus had taught her during their times together. She still practices magic, but now as a hobby. The gemstone store, despite all expectations has become very profitable, and Avida enjoys her time working there. It reminds her of the good old days, working with Jacob in their own store....many years ago.
Full name: Avida Swoon

Other names: None

Age: 32

Distinctive features: Blonde hair, Brown eyes.

Home: Muldoon's Gems & Stones, De Quercy.

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