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Lord of the Seventh

Known as the Lord of the Flies, formerly an archon known as Zadkiel, Beelzebub is the lord of Maladomini. Zadkiel was once renowned as among one of the most beauteous denizens of Celestia but was physically altered after his corruption. The Lord of the Flies is constantly surrounded by swarms of the buzzing, scuttling creatures that earn him his title. His body glistens with mucus and thanks to his curse, fecal matter and other rancid filth manifests in piles wherever he goes, resulting in his notoriously noxious stench. Replacing his handsome visage is a gross, insect-like face, with bulbous yellow eyes, horns and mandibles.  

Lord of the Flies

Of Beelzebub's numerous flaws, his most crippling is his perfectionist extremism. His unfiltered dedication to achieving physical flawlessness and greater dominion is what caused his initial fall from the Seven Heavens, as such callous ambition was more befitting of a devil. Beelzebub makes an effort to seem calm on the surface, often withholding his true feelings from others. In truth though, the Lord of the Lies views his transformation into a insect not simply as an obstacle to be overcome but as a humiliating experience.   He has become an abusive taskmaster during his time in Hell, a sadistic torturer that displaces his anger on his subjects and loves disheartening them, but after being cursed he became neglectful and miserable himself. Often times he ignores his depressing duties in favor of plotting revenge and fantasizing about regaining his original, Zadkiel form.   Despite his flaws, Beelzebub is still dangerously cunning and charismatic. Even when trapped in his inarticulate, insect-like form, he is still the Lord of the Lies, whose every deception and false statement is made with ease. He is not to be mistaken as a pathological liar as he tells each untruth with a purpose in mind and indeed manages to keep a hold on his layer for several millennia without lying, at least to other devils.
Divine classification: Fiend (Arch Devil)   Alignment: LE   Honorary Titles: The Lord of Maladomini, Lord of the Lies   Resides: Malagard, Maladomini

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