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Lord of the Third

The King of Covetousness, Belial is the lord of Minauros, and potentially the richest being in existence. The two-faced archdevil viscount is a feckless miser whose only loyalty is to his coin. Belial rarely leaves the Sinking City as he prefers to rule his domain from a singular location, although normally he isn't actually supervising the realm. Instead, a majority of his time is spent was spent under the corrupted depths where he devises new, nefarious schemes.   Belial's primary method of influence is through the use of his overwhelming wealth. In exchange for items and services that he wants, he offers financial loans and sometimes hires mercenaries to fend off particularly dangerous demonic hordes with the expectation of receiving the invader's loot.

Overwhelming Greed

Belial is an utterly selfish entity that practically personifies greed with his insatiable desire. He is a ruthless hunter who will unrelentingly pursue his prey, whether it be an actual quarry or future possessions, but is indifferent to his prize once it is actually obtained, and will swiftly move on to new targets. While his cupidity isn't limited to currency, Belial is wholly materialistic and measures worth in regards to monetary value. He makes deals solely for the purpose of making profit and otherwise doesn't care about the results of the exchange. Alongside being avaricious, Belial is also megalomaniacal, lusting after power and always scheming to acquire more of it.   The methods required to achieve his goals are irrelevant to Belial, and he will perform whatever act he believes necessary to accomplish them. The duplicitous viscount will seduce his victims with silver-tongued promises before wantonly and gleefully watching their expressions when he betrays them. His speech could be compared to his schemes in its convoluted nature, for it is riddled with winding messages and unclear requests, meandering even when he is supposed to be delivering orders. Belial is not only sinister but shameless, keeping his position primarily by acts of bootlicking sycophantism.    Belial's host of other flaws include his overactive paranoia that drives him in his craven and often foolish pursuit of loyal servants. His typical response to frustration, such as if he felt his time was wasted, is to alleviate the feeling by destroying the offender or otherwise tormenting unrelated parties. This is combined with his petty, oversensitive demeanor and overindulgent hedonism to make a being that is practically impossible to work with. No matter how competent the tyrant is, it is impossible to stay on Belial's good side for he has no such thing.
Divine classification: Fiend (Arch Devil)   Alignment: NE   Honorary Titles: Archduke of Minauros, King of Greed   Resides: The Sinking City, Minauros

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