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The City Of The Spurned

Bondstone was founded during a time of civil unrest when Togwin Ironbrand decided he was the rightful heir to his father's throne rather than his older brother Thundril Ironbrand, and left to create his own home, with over a hundred of his followers. The city was given the title of “City of the spurned” by Togwin after it was established, and it is still used today as a moniker as the name is seen as an important moment in Bondstone history.  

Place in the world

Six hundred years ago a war with wood elves devastated the plains surrounding the mountain home, many dwarves were killed in the battle, and though Bondstone and Ironbrand are actually now great allies, though due to the divide there is a law against one city to aid the other in a time of war, a condition set by Thundril when his brother abandoned their people, thus disallowing any aid in battle.  

Kragwik Togwinborn

Kragwik Togwinborn is the current king of Bondstone and is the great grandson of Togwin Ironbrand. Kragwik is an unreasonable and blunt dwarf, his word is law and he prioritises his people over all else.   Kragwik is very anti-war, after a battle with wood elves that killed two hundred dwarven soldiers. Since that battle Kragwik has become reclusive and tempered. Whether it was out of shame or anger, Kragwik has begun to cut ties with Ironbrand, for the first time since the city began.  

Prominent Clans of Bondstone

Though these clans have no power over the laws of Ironbrand, these five clans are the largest and most prominent, being the five clans that left Ironbrand and settled with Togwin during the split.  
  • Copperhelm - Major mining clan that controls Bondstones emerald mines.
  • Ironeye - Known as the “Battlemasters”, the Ironeye clan are known as captains of the army.
  • Stormcleave - The treasurers and leaders of the banking in Bondstone.
  • Homdihm - Profession brewers of Homdihm ale, one of the finest dwarven ales ever created.
  • Barndarahl - Great artitechs and forgers of steel.

The Order of the Steel Rose

  The guards in Bondstone are technically military police, who are completely regimented and will not move from their positions. They protect the city and are very strict, if a crime is committed they will act in an instant and take the criminals to the mines below. The order of the steel rose are made up from dwarves from every clan, as to not give one clan ultimate rule of the city, but are usually led by a general from clan Ironeye.    

A Warrior Nation

When it comes to war, the dwarves of Bondstone are relentless. They resolutely and mercilessly attack their foes, fighting until they win or are slain. They do not ask for surrender, and they rarely accept it. Dwarves of Bondstone pour their hearts into the fight and do not mourn until the dead are counted.   They are extremely well equipped during war. They favor heavy armors, greaves, and full helms. Because they prefer close combat and do not employ cavalry, these types of armaments are very necessary. Dwarven armor is usually not adorned, but their shields and helms often are. Their shields are usually marked with some sort of rune, which allows the fully covered dwarf to be recognized by other dwarves during the battle. The Bondstone armies great helm is shaped like the head of a hideous beast or monster. It often has a colorful plume on top. All these accoutrements make a battle-ready dwarf an intimidating sight.   The dwarves are indeed fearsome warriors; the only drawback to the military prowess of the Bondstone is their lack of numbers. Not even in today could they be called truly numerous, and their unwillingness to retreat takes its toll on Bondstone armies.  

Battle Tactics

The battle tactics of the dwarves of Bondstone bear out this impression. Dwarves prefer an offensive attack and their aggressive weaponry reflects this: they favor axes, crossbows, mattocks, hammers, and maces. They prefer to attack silently and in an extremely compact formation, breaking into song or giving a war cry when they meet the foe toe-to-toe.   They believe in concentrating their robust heavy infantry into an attack at the center of the foe's forces, hoping to capture the enemy leader and ruin the opposing army's morale. Crossbowmen serve as artillery and uses their less aggressive weapons to protect the rear. Axemen bearing throwing axes move alongside the heavy infantry, protecting the flank from annoying cavalry with abortive countercharges or hails of hurled axes. Belying their ruthless frontal assault, the careful flank and rear-guard units reveal the actual regimented order of the Dwarven battle strategy.  


As much as Bonstone commits themselves to combat, they prefer a more peaceable interaction with non-dwarves. Trade is the most common form that this interaction takes. During their hey-day, Bondstone set-up long and profitable trade routes with the human and Elven kingdoms, exchanging their crafts for food and textiles; Bonstone prefers not to grow their own food, but can if they must. However, in recent years Bondstone has established trade routes with most other nations on Eblesh.

Peace Through Strength

Political system: Parlimentry government   Leader: Kragwik Togwinborn   Worships: Dumathoin, Tymora   Racial Populace: Dwarf 80% Mixed 20%

Notable Figures:

  Kragwik Togwinborn (KING)   Oskar Brasswielder (HERO)

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