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The Unyeildeing Chieftain

"Every warrior wants a worthy opponent. There is no honour in fighting the pathetic." -G’rukak-Many-Heads   Orcs seldom live long, most do not live longer than fifty, but G'rukak has only become stronger and more intelligent in old age. G'rukak has not only lived a long and full life, but has done so as the ruler of the orc lands, a leader so strong the lands in which he rules are now named for him. G’rukak is a large orc who is as intelligent and calculated as he is a skill fighter. G’rukak has four wives and at least eight sons. It is said his only fear is that upon his death (as even at forty-eight he is undefeated) his sons will destroy all he has created in their fight to succeed him.  

Ascension to power

The manner in which one becomes chieftain of the tribe in orc culture is through challenge to the throne. The challenger will deliver the weapons of the battle to the current chief and they will either accept and hand one back, or decline and hand both. G'rukak's predecessor R'actur declined his challenge, how possibly could the newly founded orc boy of just fifteen defeat the mightiest warrior the orc lands had ever seen? Three days of challenging and taunts wore him down though, and eventually R'actur relinquished, disappointed but prepared to strike the boy down. The battle took three hours, before only one stood, G'rukak had defeated the strongest warrior the nation had ever produced, and took his place as the leader of the Orc lands.   It is one thing though, to become chief, it is another entirely to rule. A weak ruler is challenged often, a strong one more so. G'rukak has never declined a challenge, he has always accepted anyone brave enough to bring forth the challenge. However, G'rukak has shown mercy, any challenger who fails to last longer than a minute is permitted to live upon defeat. The only exception for this rule is his own blood; if a child of G'rukak wishes to challenge him and fails last even a minute in ritual combat, he ensures such weakness is not passed down. The orc who defeats him must be stronger, smarter, and a better leader. The land is now named after him, he will not let this nation fall apart upon his death.  

The Dwarvish Insult

Many years ago, Ironbrand sent a small military scouting party to the orcish lands. Upon being found near the G'rukak tribes lands, the leaders were invited to feast with the chieftain himself, G’rukak believed this to be a unique gift by the gods to repair the long historic damages between the races of dwarf and orc. G’rukak saw many similarities between dwarves and orcs, the longing for mighty battle, the love of alcohol and fighting at festivities, and a dislike for elves. However upon sitting down with the dwarves, he quickly realised the dwarves had taken his kindness as weakness. The dwarves had begun duscussing terms of establishing a dwarven city within the lands of G’rukak. This insult was again forgiven, and G’rukak explained his lands were exactly that, and no orc in this land would ever yeild such land to anyone but another clan. And again G’rukak was met with insult, the dwarves began to explain to the mighty chieftain the "benefits" of such an endevour.   G’rukak, for all his strength, has always been a calm ruler, not quick to anger. Howver, one thing the Unyeildeing Chieftain has always despised is being spoken down to. The insult of other races taking their culture and interpreting them as unintelligent and barbaric has always enraged him. And as the dwarven leaders began their third condescending rant for the evening, the Chieftain again reminded the orcs of his tribe why he is their leader. The massacre took less than a minute, and before the remaining dwarven guards could reach the tent, G’rukak was wearing the the severed heads around his neck.
Full name: G’rukak   Other names: The Unyeildeing Chieftain   Title: Chieftain   Age: 49   Distinctive features: Gray hair, facial scars   Home: G’rukak

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