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Grosetto (GRO-SET-TOE)

The Split Nation

The nation of Grosetto is a human territory covering the centre of Eblesh, ruled over by King Goldcrest who is widely regarded as a tyrant. The other person considered a leader in Grosetto is Lord Aldo Finotti, an ex-lord of Goldcrest who became the rallying figurehead of the rebellion.   Bordered between the gnomish mountain range to the north west, the noble nation on Candor to west, and the complex multicultural nation of De Quercy to the east the country of Grosetto mainly keeps to itself. The country's landscape is sinister; murky forrests, aggressive wildlife and murky black lakes are just a sliver of the darkness Grosetto has to offer, which is why the country is avoided among foreigners.  

Cities of Grosetto


Goldcrest City

Home of King Goldcrest, the tyrant king of Grosetto. The city was named after him the day he was inaugurated, being his first decree. This was the epicenter of the war and has the bloodiest history, none of which you will find in any archive or library as King Grosetto has banned any and all mention of the bloodbath. The city has begun to rebuild, but heavy taxing from the tyrant monarch has made this a slow and ragged process.   Built by a canyon, the metropolis of Goldcrest wasn't built there by accident, as it has ancient, unexplained statues, which was of great importance to the people of Goldcrest until the tyrant king tore them down for minerals during the civil war.   With its birch wood rooftops, willow wood walls and golden painted metal, Goldcrest has a garish atmosphere. The main attraction is Goldcrest Keep, which was rebuilt two years ago and designed by the King himself. Goldcrest has a suffering economy, which is mainly supported by crafting, tailoring and mining. However, Goldcrest lacks people skilled in farming, which has led to a food shortage, due to most being rationed to the military during the war. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Goldcrest is most likely headed towards a horrible future under the leadership of Goldcrest. But this remains to be seen.   The city is under reconstruction from the war, but this does not mean it is not heavily defended, it is predicted that seventy percent of the military are stationed in or around Goldcrest. Defending the keep from any small uprisings the people may wish to attempt, these are crushed quickly and efficiently.  


Ebrond has been completely removed from the map, being the birthplace of Aldo Finotti it suffered the harshest consequences of King Goldcrests victory.   The road that led to and from Ebrond has slowly been absorbed back into nature as grass, flowers and small shrubs reclaimed what they can as fast as they can. Gardens have grown beyond their artificial borders and have claimed parts of the streets and houses. Most doors are either completely gone or mere remnants of rotten wood and rusty metal. The open doorways look eerie as only darkness shows within. Paint crumbles off of the walls and are slowly replaced by vines that crawl their way towards the rooftops.   Ebrond, once a major hub for new businesses and young families has now partially been reclaimed by nature. Were it not for the occasional bird call the only sound in this city is that of the wind. The sounds of market vendors, playing families and a loving community are no more. No matter how many animals make their home in this city now you can’t help but be overcome with loneliness. Life has not just come to a halt, it has completely disappeared. But with nothing else to lose this city has a strange sense of comfort about it.   Like a world of opportunity, except there is nobody there to take it.  


Established on the lowest point of a forest, the village of Cepan is led by Baroness Alwin. This city wasn't built by a forest by accident, as it has magical properties, which is of great importance to the kingdom of Goldcrest.   The City itself looks sublime. With its maple wood walls and luscious gardens, Cepan has a pleasing atmosphere. The city was never touched by the war, this is due to the city being so far south, close to the border with Candor. The main attraction of Cepan is the wishing well.   Cepan has a tormented economy, which is mainly supported by herbalism, baking and crafting. But their biggest strengths are advanced armorsmithing. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Ishnuala is most likely headed towards a comfortable future under the leadership of Baroness Alwin.  


Located on the plains of Velocco, the City of Slisgalia is lead by Baron Grukag. The city itself looks luxuriant, the city of Slisgalia aligned itself with Godcrest during the civil war, and became an important factor of the war. With its copper rooftops, slate tile walls and white, sandy beaches, Slisgalia has an entrancing atmosphere.   Slisgalia has a breaking economy, which is mainly supported by wine brewing, hunting and fishing. But their biggest strengths are highly skilled thieving and ancient wine brewing techniques. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Slisgalia is most likely headed towards a grisly future under the leadership of Baron Grukag.  


Formed under a cliff edge, the town of Granili is home to Baron Cancio. This town wasn't built under a cliff edge by accident, as it has large rivers that ships can travel up and down.With its ironwood rooftops, yew wood walls and luscious gardens, Granili has a tough atmosphere. The main attraction is the temple, which was built 19 years ago and designed by Baron Cancio himself. Granili has an unhealthy economy, which is mainly supported by the war effort, fishing and blacksmithing. Baron Cancio is a tyrant to the people of Granili and has been known to publicly execute anyone who speaks ill of Goldcrest or himself.  


King Goldcrest

King Ricardo Goldcrest was crowned roughly a hundred and fifty years ago and as his first act as monarch, changed the city of his birth, Loma, to Goldcrest City. As prince Goldcrest was unliked by his peers and actively disliked by the king’s loyal knights. This was due to Goldcrests active dislike of his people and hunger for power. The one knight who did look upon him favourably was Aldo Finotti, a lord and aid to his father. Aldo committed himself to changing Goldcrest and making him realise the responsibilities of his future position, but unfortunately the young prince took no notice of his allies warnings. When the Lords of Loma rebelled the newly crowned king, Aldo was the head of the rebellion. The one ally Goldcrest had on his side had betrayed him.  

Civil War

The civil war for Grosetto was one fought for over a hundred and fifty years. King Goldcrest gained too much power and declared the capital city of Loma as his own, renaming it Goldcrest in his honour. A few ex lords of Goldcrest rebelled against this action, as Goldcrest’s renaming of the city and burning of its history destroyed their faith in him as a leader. This was the beginning of a long and bloody war. The war was long and well fought, Lord Finotti was well respected by the military of Grosetto and when the fighting started, about half the army changed sides. To regain control King Goldcrest began hiring out any mercenaries he could, from highway men to private militias, anything to regain the advantage. Meanwhile the city of Goldcrest itself fractured under war, the gnomish quarter also rebelled from the king. The quarter declared itself a micronation no longer under Goldcrests rule and named itself “Porco re” which, loosely translated from gnomish, means “Swine King”. As much as this frustrated King Goldcrest he could do nothing about it, as the gnomish quarter had high walls and complex traps. Instead he placed a small but deadly militia outside the doors in an attempt to seige the gnomes and win a war of attrition. To this day no gnome has come out of the gates, and it believed the gnomes are self sufficient enough to survive another century. Recently the gnomes of Porco re have revealed a new weapon, one that it said to wash the streets in blood within seconds.  

The Everlasting King

The Civil War of Grosetto began over a century ago, and yet the civil war has only now began to end. And King Ricardo Goldcrest still sits on the throne. Nobody knows how King Goldcrest has managed to stay alive after the century, a war, and numerous assassins, though two main theories have emerged in recent years:
  1. He has somehow changed his biology to that of and elf, or other long living race.
  2. He has made a deal with a mysterious force, one with power equal to the Raven.

United we stand, together we stay.

Political system: Dictatorship   Leader: Lord Goldcrest/Lord Aldo Finotti   Worships: Kord, Pelor, Melora, Tymora   Racial Populace: Human 70% Gnome 15% Dwarf 10% Orc 05%

Notable Citizens:

  Lord Goldcrest (RULER)   Lord Aldo Finotti (REBEL)

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