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The Ancient Dwarven Halls


Ironbrand City located to the north of Estua is the largest and mightiest bastion of the dwarves, dug deep within mount Mirwth the dwarven stronghold is led by the mighty Tusgrin Ironbrand. The Kingdom is said to have stood for thousands of years.  

Bondstone Split

Ironbrand is widely noted as the first and largest home of the dwarves of Jafare, the only other main city of Dwarves is Bondstone, located In Eblesh. Bondstone was founded during a time of civil unrest when Togwin Ironbrand decided he was the rightful heir to his father's throne rather than his older brother Thudril Ironbrand, and left to create his own home, with over a hundred of his followers. Bondstone and Ironbrand are actually now great allies, though due to the unrest there is a law against one city to aid the other in a time of war, a condition set by Thudril when his brother abandoned their people, thus disallowing any aid in battle.  

The Council of Nine

The council of nine consists of the most utilitarian houses of Ironbrand who use their money and influence for the benefit of the city as a whole, the group act as an advising group to the king and devise minor laws that the king does not have time for. The council actually consist of eighteen members, two from each house, nine male and nine female, all are considered lords/ladies however they have a primary and a secondary representative who vote on issues separately.  
  • Hornfall- Primary Lord Belmad and Secondary Lady Belmar, his daughter.
  • Forgeheart- Primary Lord Artur and Secondary Lord Matnur, his nephew.
  • Drakefinger- Primary Lady Elba and Secondary Lord Rennar, her brother.
  • Duskshield- Primary Lady Madria and Secondary Lady Martu, her daughter.
  • Icehorn- Primary Lady Werna and Secondary Lord Donaur, her son.
  • Runebrow- Primary Lord Balhad and Secondary Lady Fanbela, his mother.
  • Quartzheart- Primary Lord Fulkas and Secondary Lady Dirna, his cousin.
  • Boulderdweller- Primary Lord Thortor and Secondary Lady Gwarta, his sister.
  • Dwelundelf- Primary Lord Radun and Secondary Lady Dravna, his Daughter.

Thrawl’s Crossing and Stone Gate

Before one can even get to the entrance of Ironbrand, they must cross Thrawl’s Crossing, a marvel of dwarven architecture. This bridge is perfectly straight and aligned, so much so that it looks out of place amongst the frozen wastes that surround the mountain and the valley below. If an army attempted a surface raid on Ironbrand, the attacking army would have to funnel onto the bridge, giving the advantage to the dwarves. The entrance into the city is known as Stone Gate. Large stone gates protect the city from intruders. Built around the entrance are at several watch towers with archers. The entrance opens into a hallway that contains barracks on both sides. A group of guards is stationed here at all times in order to deal with aggressive visitors. This group of guards are a common point of contention in Ironbrand as the city hasn't been attacked from the surface in centuries. Most believe it is a waste of taxes.  


A long hall supported by large stone pillars contains multiple counters where visitors must register themselves, as well as a waiting area with tables, chairs, and benches. There are different doorways with stairs leading further down into the city. The royal family, nobles, major clans, and commoners each have their own doorways. Visitors use a separate doorway from everyone else. The dwarves are rigid and uniform as a people, and document the name, race, age and professions of all visitors to the city, though it is not distrust or fear that they collect this information, but for census collecting and bettering the city for outsiders for business and tourism. Because the dwarves are so meticulous in their data collection, and they do this for everyone who visits, those collectors (or Visiting Marshalls as they are called) will gain the information and write out visors/permits with incredible speed and efficiency, going so far to draw up a legal documentation that the information given will not be given to any business’s operating within Ironbrand without express permission of the individual themselves.  

The Main City

Located approximately 50 meters below the surface the main city itself can be split up into the following areas:  

Living Area:

All shops can be found in or around a central plaza, as well as the church of Dumathoin. From here several tunnels branch out, leading to the different quarters of the city. Each quarter is usually home to a single clan, but the marketplace is used by all. Nobles and the royal family live in the same quarter, separated from the other Dwarves. The current king Tusgrin Ironbrand resides in a large palace-like building.  

Farming Area:

Most Dwarves’ diet is based on meat, bread and edible fungi. Surface vegetables, such as cabbages, potatoes, or carrots, are usually reserved for the rich and affluent. The fungi are grown in small tunnels that are about 30cm in diameter. This is done in order to maximise farming space. Meat comes from subterranean ‘cattle’, such as Giant Bats, Giants Insects, and fish that can be caught in subterranean lakes.  

The Vault:

Storage for the city’s valuables, such as precious minerals, treasures, artefacts and important documents. The entrance is protected by a large metal gate. Visitors are expected to remain in a waiting chamber while requests are being processed. Only appointed Treasurers by the council of nine may enter the Vault in order to store or retrieve items. Below the vault is a special ‘sub-floor’, that keeps intruders out. The vault itself is heavily guarded as well, to the point where it is one of the most secure locations all of Jafare. The Vault is located higher than other districts to keep them away from any drow or other underdark creatures attacking and stealing the valuables.  


Final resting place for the dead. Only accessible via one of several entrances in the living area. When a member of a clan dies, their body is encased in a stone slab, which is then carved into a perfect likeness of the deceased. The body is then taken down to the catacombs and placed in the clans tomb, creating a morbid museum of ancestry.  

Working District

Located approximately 150 meters below the surface, the mines and forges are located on this level. Mining Area. Branching out in all directions, even further down, dwarven mines can reach several kilometres down into the earth, only stopping when the potential danger outweighs the potential treasure. Dwarven stubbornness should, however, not be underestimated. Smaller tunnels sometimes follow individual veins. Mine cart tracks can be found here that speed up transport. Areas that have been fully mined out are either collapsed or used for expanding parts of the main city.  

Forging Area.

The temperature is a lot higher here. The forges make use of geothermal heat or magma. One special thing about the forging area is that it is connected to the surface directly through multiple shafts. This is done in order to allow the smoke and steam that is produced during the forging to escape. These tunnels are fitted with reinforced grates, and even traps, in order to prevent outsiders from climbing into the city unnoticed.  

Underdark Entrance.

Dwarves trade with all kinds of races, including some in the Underdark. For trading purposes, one or two former mine tunnels are usually repurposed into entrances into the city. These entrances connect to a part of the main city where the barracks are located, and are heavily guarded. Dwarves wishing to visit the Underdark can do so via this entrance as well.  

The Pit

At the far bottom of Ironbrand there is a pit, dug perfectly square and deep down below the city. Carved into the side of the walls of the pit are prison cells, the only entrance is by the single elevator moved up and down by large metal chains lowered and raised by the hand of the guards. The only thing available in the cells is four white walls. The only thing for prisoners to do is look at the stone walls around them, stare at the markings left by other prisoners, or make markings themselves. The prisoners of the pit need no food or water, and no sleep, this is because each cell is fitted with an ioun stone warded to the ceiling. No one imprisoned there is ever the same after they are released.  

Light And Air

The upper levels of the city are connected to the surface via shafts that provide natural daylight and fresh air. This only works for the upper levels, though. Once you get to a certain depth, you can no longer properly reflect the light to illuminate entire areas, and the airflow is too weak to ensure a fresh supply of oxygen. That’s why, starting from the lower areas of the main city, bioluminescent plants are more commonly used. These plants grow well in dark and damp places. These and other types of plants also take care of filtering the air. Some richer Dwarves are able to afford lighting certain areas with a daylight spell, allowing for surface trees to grow.  


Ironbrand’s clans are built along family ties and political allegiances. These clans are usually led by hereditary rulers, and descended from the founder of the clan. Dwarves strongly value loyalty to these rulers and to the clan as a whole and tend to side primarily with their kin over other races or communities. Most dwarven clans focus on one or two kinds of crafting, such as blacksmithing, jewelry, engineering, or masonry. Dwarves strive to avoid overspecialization by sending some of their youths to other clans to serve as apprentices. Because of the longevity of dwarven lives, these apprenticeships might last decades.  


Marriage is a sacred rite among the dwarves, taken very seriously because it requires two children to move away from their homes to start a new family in the clan to ensure that each generation of a clan is stronger and more talented than the last. Marriages are a largely private matter of only the closest kinsmen of the clan, and are rarely held in public. There is no clergy and no religious ceremony attending a marriage, but blessings by the bride's father or the Clan-Elders are common as witnesses. The only person not of a clan likely to attend is a seperate clansman and city official chosen by the couple to witness and lend authority to the affair. Dwarves are monogamous and marry for life, divorces are rare and a great pain for the entire clan.

Moulded from Iron, Forged from Flame.

Political system: Parlimentry government   Leader: Tusgrin Ironbrand (KING)   Worships: Dumathoin, Tymora   Racial Populace: Dwarf 80% Mixed 20%

Notable Figures:

Tusgrin Ironbrand (KING)   Nain Dwellendelf (ADVENTURER)   Hormek (DEMI GOD)   Atticus (PROPHET)

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