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History, Knowledge and Self-Perfection.

  He is known as the Master of Masters, and the Peaceful One. He is the god of enlightenment and self-perfection. His followers claim that he was once a mortal who achieved absolute physical and mental perfection and thus attained divinity. When he appears his avatar is that of a male of flawless physique and serene expression. He appears much as his followers depict him, often sitting or in meditative stance.   Wear your ego like a loose fitting garment.  


  Irori respects that other deities are different spiritual beings and that what is correct for him may not be so for them. As such, he tries to avoid interfering with other divine beings unless they threaten his work or his people.  


  Temples are usually sprawling complexes, featuring rooms for prayer, sleep and exercise, where the faithful train night and day, an endless quest to achieve perfection and purify their ki, or life-force. They are not generally open to the public, and petitioners are asked to wait quietly outside and not disturb those who are meditating within.  


  Irori holds enlightenment and the quests for knowledge and self-perfection of both body and mind above all. As such sentient creatures are more associated with his faith than any animals or beasts. His divine servitor race, the Pavbagha, look like enormous white tigers, but are actually the reincarnated souls of his enlightened followers. His unique servants are as follows:
  • Chem Chem- This favoured servant of Irori is an intelligent celestial white tiger.
  • Sixth Rebirth- This favoured servant of Irori is a dour stone giant monk.
  • The Old man- Appearing as an elderly human male of uncertain ethnicity, with a dexterity and strength far beyond a mortal of his build, The Old Man is Irori's herald.
Divine classification: Diety

Domains: History, Knowledge and Self-Perfection

Alignment: LN

Favoured Weapon: Staff, fists

Honorary Titles: Master of Masters, Enlightened One

Resides: Serene Circle, Celestia.

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