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Jungle Nation of Halflings

Kalmori is home of the halfling race with the capital city of Kiwi, the floating temple city. Many travellers have ventured into the jungles of Kalmori unprepared -and lost their lives because of it.  


“The floating disk city” the city of halfling magic is located in the northern third of Kalmori and is a splendor and respite to those travelling. The floating circular city hovers about 200 meters above the treetops with only official city airships to carry up visitors to the ancient land. Because of the difficulty in getting up to the city, Kiwin is the only city in Kalmori that was never invaded by the Istarti when they took control.   Kiwin is home to the governor of Kiwin Regus Mcloughlin and his council of advisers. He is considered a fair ruler, though he seems to take little interest in the other main cities of Kalmori, instead focusing his efforts to better help the people of Kiwin solely. He has been blamed by his critics for the rise of the halfling mafia’s success in Little Candor due to his inaction. However Governor Mcloughlin ensures all residents of Kalmori he is actively working on a solution to deal with the rising tide of organized crime.  

Little Candor

If monetary gain and kill or be killed are your values, you’ll feel right at home in little Candor. A once profitable and successful merchant town has become corrupt and dangerous, on the surface it may seem like the ruling council and the guards make the laws of the town, but in reality the real power of the city lies among the various halfling mafia families. The Three main families are: 
  • The Littlelo family, who own most restaurants and stores in the city and offer up protection from the other houses. 
  • The Nightorbs, who control the drugs in and out of Kalmori. They don't often keep to themselves and stay under the radar. 
  • The QuietKnives, the family who cause trouble anywhere they can within the city.
The gangs will grease palms, disappear problems or fund politicians. Anything that furthers their goals. That's not to say they are inherently evil, they are just the first to take advantage. Some believe that if the systems this broken, why not take advantage?   


The Holy City, Gnarr is home to a monastery, chapel or church to every known (and sometimes unknown) deity in Jafare. Need guidance, prayer, healing or exorcism? You can get it in Gnarr. The city is ruled by “The blessed Eight” , a congregation of bishops from the eight good aligned gods of the realm. Anyone who commits a crime in Gnarr is taken to the temple of the god they follow and a suitable punishment is given by a bishop or clergyman. If they do not follow a god they are taken to one deemed appropriate. Eg fighting in the street would be taken to Kord’s temple.

Dream, explore, discover.

Political system: Democratic Republic   Leader: Regus Mcloughlin   Worships: Tymora, Pelor   Racial Populace: Halfling 75% Mixed 25%

Notable Figures:

  Regus Mcloughlin (GOVERNOR)   Papa Littlelo (CRIME BOSS)   Nasir (MONK)

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