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Storms, Strength and Battle.

He is known as the Brawler, The Strength of Man, Stormbringer. He believes The strong and fit should lead the weaker. Bravery is the greatest quality in any ruler. Scorn cowardice. He is a foe of dragonkind, especially lawful evil dragons. He pursues his passions first and ponders the consequences later (if ever).   Do not Hesitate.  


Kord is allied with Pelor, and is good friends with Dumathoin. Kord has no true enemies, though he does not trust The Raven Queen and it was his idea to bind her to Shadowfell.  


Many people call upon Kord or pray to him. His name is often foremost on the lips of athletes, gladiators, and warriors of all kinds. They seek his favor, his blessings, and an opportunity to earn some glory. They also offer thanks to the God of Strength for their successes and natural talents.   At the same time, many people pray to Kord in hopes of appeasing the God of Storms. Sailors, pilgrims, merchants, farmers, and adventurers all ask for protection from storms. They seek to appease the god’s turbulent anger; when Kord rages, the skies seethe with thunder, lightning, and powerful winds. Much like the storm, once it ends, Kord’s temper disappears with shocking suddenness, and all is right once more.  


Temples to Kord are most common in the Barbarian States of the Zemjat and other temples to the Brawler can be found in Estua and throughout Ufaria. One of the most prominent temples, known as the Hall of the Mighty, was founded by a young cleric from the barbarian state of Estua named Yav Lightbringer. Kord’s temples are made of strong stone with curved roofs. Kord is one of the more apathetic gods, seeing his followers more of a nuisance, believing that they should spend less time worshipping him and more time protecting people and dying in glorious battle. If they are worthy of a hero's death, then they will join him for time immemorial.  
Divine classification: Diety

Domains: Storms, Strength and Battle

Alignment: CN

Favoured Weapon: Warhammer

Honorary Titles: The Brawler, Stormbringer

Resides: Hall of the Valiant, Celestia.

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