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Kragwik Togwinborn

Sovereign of Stone

"Our people survive together, through working together to achieve the greatness our founder was deprived. Our bonds are rigid as Stone" -Kragwik Togwinborn   Kragwik Togwinborn is the current king of Bondstone and is the great grandson of Togwin Ironbrand. Kragwik is a steadfast and blunt dwarf, his word is law and he prioritises his people over all else. Kragwik is very anti-war, after a battle with the wood elves of Aithlin that killed two hundred dwarven soldiers. Since that battle Kragwik has become reclusive and ill-tempered. Whether it was out of shame or anger, Kragwik has begun to cut ties with Ironbrand, for the first time since the city began.   Kragwik has felt betrayed by his sister nation ever since they allied with the Istartian empire a decade ago. He believes the council of nine in Ironbrand have too much power, and Tusgrin has become complacent as king. This goes against everything he has been taught of Ironbrand bloodline and their kinsman's legacy. If Togwin and Thundril could see Ironbrand now, he expects they would be ashamed.  

The First Confederacy Of Jafare

During the beginning of the Istartian conflict King Kragwik was called upon to aid in the discussions from various nations of Jafare as to what do do about the Istarti and their annexing of Whupbril. After listening to the arguments for involvement, both for and against, Kragwik and the rest of the committee decided that the Istarti would not stop their conquest until they had come for the rest of Jafare. He along with President Windfall of Iarwynn, King Gabriel Credence of Candor, King Thetsu of Teskelia, King Izador of Estua and the Jarls of the Donheil Isles drafted the treaty of the first Confederacy of Jafare; an agreement to stop the Istartian threat before it becomes any greater.    The treaty and subsequent war was a success, and Bondstone received The Usnium/Whupbril border after the death of the emperor and defeat of Istartian armies, after much strong arming and political pressure, Bondstone (reluctantly) released the land back to the rightful owners. This victory in war cemented King Kragwik as the one of the strongest leaders in recent Bondstone history. Showing his skill as a general and as a fighter. He fought alongside human, orc and elf on the battlefield.  

Clan Togwinborn

A clan as old as Bondstone itself, the founding members of the Togwinborn clan were originally members of clan Ironbrand. Some say all dwarves originated with the Ironbrand clan, but the Ironbrands deny this, since no Ironbrand would ever turn their back on the clan. The Togwinborn clan exclusively reside in the Basalt Fortress in the center of Bondstone; social status decides how close you are to the centre and the top of the capital, or where you are relegated to the satellite keeps around Bonstones mountainous regions.    Despite the apparent inequality of social station, the stoic Togwinborn detest life outside of their mountain kingdom and remain entrenched in the hierarchy of Bondstone culture, which is so populous and large that its braziers and halls light up the sky over the mountaintop at night as if it were a mighty volcano.  
The Clan sigil of the Togwinborn clan.
Full name: King Kragwik Togwinborn   Other names: The Stone Shield, King of the Spurned.   Title: King   Age: 752   Distinctive features: Bald head with tattoos.   Home: Bondstone

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