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Lady of the Fourth

  Lilith, the Fiery Lady of Phlegethos. Lilith is the veteran schemerof the fourth layer. Befitting an archdevil of fire, Lilith is well-known for her short fuse and volatile personality, her temper striking fear in almost any devil. Her rage escalates quickly, frustration leading to fury, which erupted, quite literally since she angrily moves about on fire when enraged, into bloodthirsty vengeance, oftentimes with little warning. Additionally, she is self-absorbed, sadistic, and just generally mercurial, flitting about like a lit flame between her various obsessions and displaying a "party girl" attitude.   Lilith's presence is rarely noticed in Phlegethos, as she spends most of her time losing herself in pools of lava as others make decisions regarding the actual rulership of the plane. Given her unexpected immunities, some theorize that Lilith is trying to master a second element, possibly in order to take over one of the colder layers of Hell, although she seems generally uninterested in gaining new territory.  

A Competent Manipulator

Assuming Lilith is just a bratty beauty is a grave mistake, for both political schemers and would-be courtiers. Lilith is brilliant in the art of emotional manipulation with the charisma to match any of the other arch devils, lighting fires in the hearts of mortals and immortals alike that she could control like any other. Her explosive outbursts seem chaotic and random, but she is a being of law, simply following a pattern that perhaps only she understands.

Though she sees being viewed as incompetent a useful ploy, she is no less adept at politics than other archdevils, but has no interest in taking part in the overcomplicated, governmental web. The black-hearted archdevil has more hedonistic goals, desiring to use her position to indulge in luxurious comforts and lecherous pleasures while allowing others to actually administrate. At least, this was her stance at one point, but recently she became more professionally-minded, still toying with lesser beings, but making efforts not to immediately discard them upon growing bored and attempting to enter the "grownup" world of diabolical conspiracies and power plays.
Divine classification: Fiend (Arch Devil)   Alignment: LE   Honorary Titles: Archduchess Lilith, The Fiery Lady   Resides: The Lava Lake, Phlegethos

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