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Trickery, Darkness and Spiders.

Lolth drives the Drow under the pretense of culling the weak into heavy infighting. All for the sake of having fun, while at the same time limiting the growth of Drow power and influence to ensure that she remains the only accessible power source to them. Her sacred animals are arachnids. She considers them valuable enough to kill those who mistreat them.   Worship your Queen.    


Lolth particularly loathes Pelor, who played a role in the Dark Goddess's imprisonment. Lolth also is at constant war with the Raven Queen. Tiamat also has a scorching hatred towards Lolth the Spider Queen, when Lolth lost a realm to the Raven Queen upon her creation, she invaded Tiamat’s home and took the plane of Emar for herself.  


Lolth's follower base is not very varied. It mainly consisted of Drow, with a few other races worshipping her. Lolth's clerics are almost exclusively female. They represent the rulers of most Lolthite communities, and strictly follow the Spider Queen's will, forcing the Drow into extreme subservience to their deity, and into the constant state of conflict that dominates their lives. Each priestess strives for the favour of the Spider Queen and is ready to do anything in order to gain status in her goddess' eyes.  


Temples to Lolth are rarely similar, although almost entirely drow made, due to her being there singular god. She does however require sacrifices from those who wish to worship her. As sacrifices go she "prefers sentient creatures over non-sentient ones, humanoids over non humanoids, elves over other humanoids, and drow over elves. She prefers more powerful sacrifices to weaker ones, and her own priestesses over all others." Drows without influence who displease the priesthood easily find themselves on the sacrificial altar.    
Divine classification: Diety

Domains: Trickery, Darkness, Strife, Spiders

Alignment: CE

Favoured Weapon: Spider (dagger)

Honorary Titles: Mother of Lusts, Queen of Spiders

Resides: Demonweb Pits, Abyss.

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