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Middleton By-The-Sea

Adventurers Hold

Middleton By-The-Sea is a medium sized keep located in the southern region of Wechdual, near the Candor border. The settlement was established by the hero collective known as The Champions of the Divine and was gifted to them by Rena Bipis in exchange for aiding the Gnomish people in the return of the trickster god Gibbletryx. Because of the groups strong ties to a variety of Dieties in Jafare, the keep consists of five seperate chapels.   The orginal name for Middleton By-The-Sea was Dockerly Castle, and was a foot hold for the Candor military in the event trouble arose between Wechdual and Candor, but when plague struck, the castle, as well of much of the land was abandonded. For nearly a century the castle was left empty, until Rena Bipis began her very popular "why we got so many damn empty places" act, designed to completely refurbish and establish a strongly prescence within the southern regions of Wechdual, due to most of the populace living within the three main cities, or within the nomadic tribes.  

Featured Rooms:

The Castle itself has fifty guest rooms available for any guests or travellors who may be passing through Middleton By-The-Sea. The staff areas of the castle can hold up to five hundred staff, from guards, to butlers, to labourers. Listed below are the featured rooms, with special abilities.

Arcanist's Study

Nothing in the multiverse is stranger or more dangerous than the study of the arcane. Oddities adorn every murky wooden shelf, from a relatively-usual human skull to a collection of magical sulffars and elixirs or a simple bat hanging above a bookcase. The air reeks of spell components, and books of specific lore cover seemingly every surface.   Ability: Spells of any school with the ritual tag can be cast as rituals in half the usual time here without expending any components that do not have an associated cost in gold. If a ritual has components with a gold cost, this cost is halved when the ritual is performed in this room. While here, the owners of this structure and their allies have advantage on all rolls required by rituals.


A stockpile of common weapons and armor, an armory provides defenses to the defenseless, as well as granting common people the ability to strike back and defend their home.   Ability: When the structure is under attack, any hireling that is not a spellcaster or soldier and that the structure requires for maintenance can visit the armory and afterwards count as a guard. Hirelings equipped in this way can also be used offensively rather than simply in defense of the structure. Doing so deprives a structure of its hireling staff, however, and removing more than a quarter of your structure’s hirelings from its grounds will cause any other benefits. the structure provides to cease, as the hirelings left behind struggle to cover for those absent.  


An enormous room filled with shining marble, brass, and heavily locked vaults, a bank does an excellent job of containing coinage and valuables, using money to make money.   Ability: The owners of this structure and their allies can stash any amount of gold or reasonably-sized treasure in one of the vaults, which requires a key to access (one key comes standard with each vault).   Income. If the maintenance cost for this room is paid in order to staff this room with 5 skilled hirelings trained in either Insight or Investigation, they can be instructed to manage the currency stored within, investing it or using it to make favorable trades. If this is the case, roll 1d4 every 30 days. On a roll of 2-4, the room generates an income equal to 5% of the total currency stored there. On a roll of 1, however, the investments don’t pay off, and 5% of the currency stored within the room is lost.  

Battle Ring

A dusty ring of honor stands, lined with racks of weapons, as a test of mettle for those who enter. Win or lose, sparring teaches everyone a little something.   Ability: A creature that spends a short rest sparring or training here becomes conditioned for battle, which lasts until its next long rest. When a creature that is conditioned for battle rolls initiative, it has advantage on the roll, and on the first attack roll it makes on its first turn in combat.  


A small chapel containing religious imagery, seating,iconography, and proper accoutrement, alongside amodest library of holy texts and literature. The air hums with the resonance of hymns, and the comforting soul ofthe divine.   Income: The chapels will generate an income from tithes of 140gp every thirty days.   Ability: Religion checks made here that deal with the lore surrounding the deity, philosophy, or religion the chapel is associated with have advantage. The structure this room is in is affected by aversion of the hallow spell with a permanent duration, the details of which are decided upon when the construction of this room is completed.  

Clock Tower

Rising high above a central point and easily visible to all, the stylized yet simple face of this enormous clock hides a complex assembly of gigantic gears, all turning in unison with an expertly synchronized motion.   Ability: The presence of a clock tower greatly increases the efficiency of your workforce and thus your entire structure, requiring you to spend less on maintenance and wages to achieve the same effect. Reduce the Total Cost per Day of the structure by 10 gp.  

Docks, Water

The waves lap lazily against wooden pilings and the bells of tall ships clang idly. The air is entwined with the briny smell of fresh fish and the loud conversation of burly dockworkers as travellers come and go from this port of call.   Income: The docks will generate an income from merchants of 275gp every thirty days.   Ability: Up to five ships may lay anchor safely at the docks. Roll twice on the Merchants table in the Traders and Merchants section. These merchants are present for 30 days, after which they depart and two new randomly-rolled merchants arrive, continuing this pattern every 30 days.  


The smell of green, growing life fills the air here. Lush vines laden with savory tomatoes grow alongside mandrake root, ephedra, and even more esoteric herbs.   Income: The garden grows an amount of herbs equal in worth to 225 gp every thirty days.   Ability: Contains an assortment of herbs and grown vegetables, once harvested, the herbs can be sold for their worth in currency, or used as materials to craft any item (within reason), mundane or magical, that could be created with alchemist’s supplies, brewer’s supplies, cook’s utensils, or the poisoner’s kit.  


This place of healing is as comfortable and inviting as one can make it, but it cannot entirely escape the ominous shroud of disease and death.   Ability: A creature that finishes a short or long rest here has its hit point maximum increased by an amount equal to the structure’s total room points, and is healed up to its hit point maximum. This increase lasts until the creature finishes another long rest.    Additionally, if the creature is suffering from any diseases or the poisoned condition, the creature can make a Constitution saving throw with advantage at the end of any rest it takes here, ending the disease or condition on a success. The DC for this saving throw is 15, unless the disease or condition would have a DC that is lower. 


Dark, and pungent prison cells, laden with rust and grime, greet unwelcome or belligerent guests. Hopefully, some time in uncomfortable conditions will show them the error of their ways.   Ability: You have cells available to securely hold a number of humanoids up to seventty five prisoners. Prisoners may only escape if they are unguarded, and either have access to this room’s key (five of which come with this room), or by using thieves’ tools to make four successful DC 15 Dexterity checks. This room is equipped for non-magical humanoids, and will not thwart magical attempts at escape unless the appropriate wards under the Warded improvement are purchased for this room  


Stacks of books piled high to the ceiling, light filtering in from dusty windows, the library is a sanctum of knowledge and research. Material on any subject matter may be found here, if one has the time to search for it.   Ability: When a creature takes at least 1 hour to peruse this room, it can choose to make an Intelligence or Wisdom based skill check to find specific knowledge within this room. Even if the creature does not (or cannot) succeed on this roll, it can typically uncover a hint as to where else in the world this information may be found. If the maintenance cost for this room is paid to hire a skilled hireling proficient in at least one Intelligence based skill as a librarian, the check the creature makes has advantage.  


A burning light that shines out like a brilliant star along the coastline, a lighthouse is a welcome sight for mariners and travelers well-versed in the perils of the sea.   Ability: Ships traveling on water that are allied with the owners of this structure and are within a distance of this structure equal to 2 days of normal travel are able to navigate more accurately with the presence of a lighthouse. Within this distance, these ships can double their travel pace while not in combat without worrying about the dangers the sea presents.    If the maintenance cost is paid to hire a skilled hireling proficient with navigator’s tools or vehicles (water) as a lighthouse keeper, the crews of any ships friendly to the owners of this structure have advantage on checks required by Activities While Traveling or Hazards while they can see this lighthouse.   

Lumbar Mill

The Sawing and grinding of wooden beams being turned into resources create a tempo of progress and production. A Lumbar Millcreates a stable source of incom forr your hold, and gives its population work.   Income: The Windmill will generate an income from merchants of 550gp every thirty days.  

Market Stalls

Festive flags span across this open and vivacious courtyard while the sounds of animated haggling and the subtle clink of currency changing hands punctuate the air. Business is good enough here to warrant a permanent residence from merchants seeking small fortunes.   Income: The Market Stalls will generate an income from merchants of 210gp every thirty days.   Ability: Choose three merchants from the Merchants table in the Traders and Merchants section. These merchants are in permanent residence at your structure, though the quality of their goods changes every 30 days.  


The sounds and smells of horses and stranger animals still animate these cold stone stables. Straw matting, water, and feed are available, providing mounts the shelter and relative comfort they need to properly recuperate.   Income: The Stables will generate an income from merchants of 210gp every thirty days.   Ability: Your structure gains the ability to house and support horses or other Large or Medium beasts trained to be used as mounts, and can hold up to fifty steeds. Mounts that receive a long rest within this room have their movement speed increased by 10 feet until their next long rest. This structure is considered to be the permanent home of a vehicles and transportation merchant.  


Downtime and drink are essential to adventurers and garrisoned soldiers alike. A tavern always carries within it the often sweet fragrance of what it brews, from plum brandy to apple cider to hoppy ale to refined wine.   Income: The Tavern will generate an income from merchants of 220gp every thirty days.   Ability: For those that live in and nearby the structure, the tavern often makes life much more enjoyable. The owners of this structure add 1d4 to any Charisma or Insight checks they make involving those who regularly use the tavern, which is generally expected to be almost all of those that live within the structure, as well as an assortment of those that live nearby. This structure is also considered to be the permanent home of an alcohol and refreshment merchant.  


The grinding and churning of the mill beats a constant tempo of progress and production. A mill is the heart of civilization, carrying lifeblood to all its other aspects.   Income: The Windmill will generate an income from merchants of 550gp every thirty days.

Financial Information

Skilled Workers: 100
Unskilled Workers: 75
Income per month: 3462gp
Income per day: 115gp
Profit per month: 3462gp  

Staff Information

Jackmerius Tacktheratrix,165 year old gnome.   Assistant Wizard:
Cedric Laughingsteel, 73 year old human wizard.   Battlemaster:
Bess Truegust, 50 year old human fighter.   Barkeep:
Tobias Taylor, 43 year old barkeep.   Priest Of Light Pantheon:
Feric Chinell, 59 year old halfling cleric.   Priest Of Grey Pantheon:
Simsam Riblleban, 200 year old gnome cleric.   Priest Of Dark Pantheon:
Thrari Stormcleve, 340 year old Dwarf cleric.   Harbourmaster:
Cairn Mason, 45 year old earth Genasi.   Gardener:
Ellaloth Twilightrose, 223 year old wood elf druid.   Warden:
Brunhild Mistsplitter, 40 year old goliath guard.   Librarian:
Gallifran G’dday Sunshine, 56 year old forest gnome.   Merchant Guild leader:
Anne Stonesworn, 70 year old female half-elf trader.   Stable master:
Reebus Finch, 75 year old halfling stablehand.


Guest Rooms: 50
Staff Rooms: Up to 500.


Battle Ring:
Many a great warrior has battled here.

Chapel to Light Pantheon:
A place to pray to any light pantheon diety.

Chapel to Grey Pantheon:
A place to pray to any grey pantheon diety.

Chapel to Dark Pantheon:
A place to pray to some of the dark pantheon dieties.

Merchant Stalls
Permanant home to Food products, mechanical contraptions salesmen, and tattoo artists.

Permanant home to a transportation merchant.

The Generous Candorian, or Genny C to locals, a permanant home to alcohol merchant.

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