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The Pride of the Dragonborn

The nation of Naga-Var-Gett is the dragonborn territory of islands off the coast of Ufaria, ruled over by a council of priests of Bahamut. Although the dragonborn are not the only sentient race to inhabit the land, there are also the Yuan-ti, a race of vile serpent-folk who attack anyone who wanders too far from the safety of the city walls.   The Priests of Bahamut are a clergy of red and blue dragonborn who strictly stick to the teachings and prophecies of the platinum dragon, and ensure that the people of Naga-Var-Gett do the same. Dragonborn follow a strict caste system, meaning your status in society is based entirely on the colour of scales you are born with. The social hierarchy and standard roles is listed below:  
  • Metallic- Priests of Bahamut
  • Red- Kings/Warriors
  • Blue-Land Owners
  • Green-Artisans/Merchants
  • Black-Farmers/Labourers
  • White-Servants/Street sweepers


The staring city of the dragonborn, Kaghak is a glorious hub of ancient draconic lore and magic. Ancient stone statues are scattered across the city, beautiful monuments to long forgotten emperors. Though the people of Kaghak are no longer ruled by emperors, these monuments are so large and dominating the priests have left them up. Because of the nations proud ancestry, draconic is the main language used here with common being much less used. The main export of Kaghak is spices, spice is added to almost every dish in Naga-Var-Gett and as such is a valuable source of income.  


The southern coastal city of Naga-Var-Gett has two main sources of income, the fishing and trading from the harbour and the massive coal mines just north of the city walls. The city has street festivals every 4 weeks, where for a whole day the streets are closed and the town eats and drinks from massive banquet tables laid out on the streets themselves. Recently thought the city has experienced riots as a supposed merchant was robbed by the guard. In the center of the city is a large stone pillar, which is carved to depict a battle between dragonborn and a giant eye. It is said that the pillar is over a thousand years old, predating the city itself.    


Bhanpur was built around a large oasis in the dessert to the east of Naga-Var-Gett. The main export of Bhanpur is sugar and fruit.The city is known for its Architectural style which is different from other settlements of the country, Bhanpur seems to have been designed to not have a single angle, walls are curved and buildings are domed. Because of the high amounts of food, there is a rat problem in Bhanpur, this makes the peoples fear of a food shortage a more viable threat than the leaders would like them to believe. The city is defended by a series of watchtowers and forts spread throughout the region.

Justice is our shield.

Political system: Oligarchy   Leader: Priest Brethik   Worships: Bahamut   Racial Populace: Dragonborn 80% Mixed 20%

Notable Residents

  Priest Brethik (PRIEST)   Amrok (HERO)   Balthazar (HERO)

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