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The City of Spires

Newtongrav is the capital city of the human lands of Estua, and home to King Arthur Izador. Separated into eight sections, the market square, a deity district, the park, the docks, middle class housing, upper class housing, lower class housing and the magic district. At the centre of this wheel of a city holds the golden spire that is the residence of King. The city of Newtongrav is as confusing as it is beautiful. The main export of Newtongrav is magic, of any sort, between enchanted items to simple scrolls; if it is magical, you can find it here.   Each of the main sections has a spire of a different height scaling up into the sky, atop each of them is an orb of a different colour striking out lightning between them. No one is certain whether it is a defensive feature, or the architects of the city just thought it looked cool. Some of the main attractions of the city are listed below:  
  • The Teleportarium; a government building with teleportation circles free to write down in any spell book, allowing any spell-caster to teleport into the city, though travelling from them incurs a charge.
  • White Dragon Dectective agency; a detective agency started up by two adventurers.
  • The Temple of Pelor; the largest temple to Pelor in the world.
  • Pimtoks Wondrous Emporium; dont go here, its not worth it.
  • The Rock; built just outside the walls, this fortress was built by the Heroes of Teskelia.


Newtongrav has a standing army composed of 400 archers and spearmen, that double as the city guard and patrol the High Road toward Eastwood. If the city's walls were threatened by orcs or other attackers, the defenders could catapult magical explosives down on the attackers. The army of the city, known as the Newtongrav Guard, was composed mostly by the mercenaries hired by the king, and a few independent militia forces assembled by the citizens also helped to protect the city in times of need.  


The last official thieves' guild in Newtongrav was destroyed many years ago, and while there were many claimants to that position and title over the years since, there were no groups of sufficient power to challenge the guard. This is not to say that there were no thieves or crime in the streets of Newtongrav. Rather, crime there was random and dispersed, with no one leader or organization to command it.

Arcana, Adventure, Affluence.

Political system: Mornarchy   Leader: King Izador   Worships: Pelor, Turgon, Dumathoin, Melora, Tymora   Racial Populace: Cosmopoliton


King Izador (KING)   Pimtok (DIETY?)

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