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Lady of the Sixth

Pandora is the lord of Malbolge. One of the most powerful and influential of the female devils, she is an unpredictable archdevil known for her subversiveness. Pandora is perhaps the least predictable of the archdevils, with a reputation for capriciousness and a history of whimsy and mischief. She takes pride in her nonconformity and openly flouts the norms of Hell at her leisure, breaking tradition while bending the rules. Surprising others with unexpected gambits is a source of delight for her, and even before she became an archdevil she was somewhat rebellious and defiant, moving between courts as the mood struck her.   Despite her often contrarian moves, Pandora is no less cruel than any other diabolical denizen of Hell.Her style of torment often has a verbal element; she delightfully informs those she lured into Hell of their impending doom and vividly describes the horrors awaiting those who cross her. She is also articulate, combining subtle mockery, verbal games, cruel teasing, and noble snobbishness to toy with those at her mercy before she grows bored and sends them off to be tortured. Her sadism extends to the physical, as she extracts much joy from watching her victims suffer cancerous disease, and the only thing her lordship changed was the increased openness with which she expresses her twisted desires.  

The Warden of the Nine Hells

Unlike most other archdevils, Pandora has little interest in matters outside the Nine Hells, though her endless machinations to expand her power still extend beyond her own plane. She focuses her efforts as a scheming manipulator, one of the best among the archdevils, on the political developments within Hell. She serves as the warden of Malbolge, the prison system of the Nine Hells, and so part of the sadistic princess's duties is overseeing the punishments of law-breaking devils.   Pandora spends a great amount of her time roaming the more beautiful parts of her plane or indulging in luxury, but given her new responsibilities as archduchess, she can no longer partake in her prior favorite pastime of personally seducing mortals into Hell. Instead, she has to relive such experiences vicariously, instructing her favored erinyes to tempt targets of her choice, with self-righteous paladins and corruptible elder priests being her particular favorites. Captives that aren't powerful enough to be a threat to her are tortured in her palace where she can watch or participate at her whim.
Divine classification: Fiend (Arch Devil)   Alignment: LE   Honorary Titles: Archduchess Pandora, Lady of Malbolge   Resides: Ossiea, Malbolge

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