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Rena Bipis

The Premier Prime Minister

"I am the daughter of my nation. It does not matter whether I am prime minister, a soldier, or a princess. The main thing is to be useful to the people, that I can look into people's eyes, and that people see that there are real benefits from my activities." -Rena Bipis  
Rena Bipis was born to the last king of Wechdual Bibblesbur Bramley Bipis, she was the youngest of eight. Bibblesbur is considered to be the greatest ruler in Wechdual's history, a noble and true king who put his people first. To that end, upon his death the people almost unaminously voted that to have any other monarch rule in his place, even that of his own children, would be an insult to the great kings legacy. This was the birth of the politics of Wechdual, and of the Bipis Political Party, which consists of the children of Bibblesbur Bramley Bipis as its ministers. The Bipis Political Party won the electorate and Rena was voted by her sibilings into office.

A Daughters Wrath

When Pimtok, famed archmage and royal court wizard, stole the lead airship and released the kings most prized white griffon, the king was devastated. Pimtok was wanted for treason, but escaped and later became one of the most powerful forces in all of Jafare. After this event Bibblesbur was never the same again, and his old age began to catch up with him. When Rena became Prime Minister, she did not forget what the "trickster god" had done to her king, her father and her people. The worship of Pimtok became a criminal offence, and forbid any mention of him in an offical capacity.

Draconic Fascination

When an ancient black dragon stormed her home city of Zemja and was shot down by a blast of magical energy shot from one of the homes killing it, it began a fascination in Rena in draconic lore and their arcane ties. She was only sixty one when the strike happened, but it drew her to go into the study of the arcane rather than technology, like all her family had. After graduating from the Wechdual Institution of Nations, Natures, Evocation and Rugby (W.I.N.N.E.R) with a major in Draconic lore and a minor in politics, Rena began to expedite trade with Naga-Var-Gett, who had long been strained allies. This greatly improved relations between the nations, and upon a visit to the holy city of Kaghak she was given a platinum dragon scale as a gift from Grand Priest Crelmoshtel, which she wears around her neck always.

Rena was so taken by the death of the black dragon killed within her home city, and the magical blast that felled one of the most dangerous creatures in the world so quickly, that one her one hundredth birthday she got a tattoo of the event. Her entire back depicts the great dragon hurtling towards the ground, a magical blast to the stomach and the city below, looking completely quiet. The piece took approximately seventy hours, and was performed by Farkrat Stolhist, the famed Dragonborn artist. This was Farkrat and Rena's first date; they later married until Farkrat's death thirty years later.
Full name: Rena Bibibibi Bipis
  Other names: The Princess, The PM
  Title: Prime Minister
  Age: 302   Distinctive features: Red Hair, back tattoo of dragon   Home: Wechdual

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