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Lord of the Fifth

Sammael is the lord of Stygia, and possibly the most hated of the archdevils in all the Nine Hells. The self-titled "prince" is known for his treachery and is imprisoned in an ancient iceberg, often referred to as his tomb. Unable to move his body in his frozen state, Sammael's brooding mind is not only fully aware of his surroundings, but incredibly perceptive as a result of being detained for so long. With few distractions to occupy his mind he can fully concentrate on maintaining and controlling his otherwise unfathomable network of agents and masterminding his plans, in Stygia or otherwise, to the smallest details.   Even before his imprisonment, Sammael had proven himself clever, charming and capable, enough so for him to be given control over Stygia in the first place. Regardless however, Sammael, who relished his graceful agility, desires first and foremost to be free of his humiliating and ironic immobility.  

The Treacherous Tyrant

Sammael almost always challenges his enemies to one-on-one duels to the death, not simply because he normally has the advantage in such situations, but because of his own sense of honor and fair play. Yet, despite the archdevil's strange chivalry, he is also infamously treacherous, having earned a reputation as a traitorous yet dashing debonair. His own rebelliousness is in fact one of his greatest flaws, as he can hardly restrain himself when given the chance to double-cross someone, even at his own detriment. His schemes have become more gradually paced and wider in scope while he imprisoned, but his inherent nature is to betray, leading him to hasten his plans. Further impeding him is that his typical, devilish megalomania is exacerbated by his blinding hatred and need for revenge after being trapped.   With Sammael in control of Stygia, the harsh, chilling realm became even more unbearable, with a sense of starvation and desperation permeating the denizens and landscape.Prince Sammael's tomb aimlessly floats throughout the freezing ocean, occasionally getting stuck between larger icebergs at the outer reaches of the plane for years at a time and sometimes passing in and out of the River Styx. Sammael is incapable of controlling the direction in which the iceberg moves despite his regular attempts to do so.
Divine classification: Fiend (Arch Devil)   Alignment: LE   Honorary Titles: The Frozen Prince, Lord of Stygia   Resides: Sammael's Tomb, Stygia

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