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Teskelia, the mesmerizing home of the Vanara, is oftentimes referred to as the divine world of forests, the land has moved many scholars and travellers to tears more than once.  

The Legend Of Thanh Pho

Thanh Pho, also known as the hidden city, is the capital of Teskelia, the city is said to be nearly a thousand years old, however in all that time it has only been destroyed and rebuilt once. Nearly a hundred years after the city was formed an ancient red dragon named Tau Khutruc came to teskelia and burned it to the ground, demanding obedience and worship, that is when Fai Shun first revealed himself.  

The Legend Of Fai Shun the Beneficent

Fai Shun the beneficent first revealed himself to the Vanara during the attack of Tau Khutruc, the legend goes that the day the flames ripped through the city Iori himself made the flames snuff and the wooden buildings harden. Fai Shun is an ancient golden dragon who fought and killed Tau Khutruc on the day of destruction. Legend has it that if any Vanara that truly needs his assistance will have it, however the day of destruction was the last time Fai Shun revealed himself, excluding the stories of the odd drunk in a bar or old ex-adventurer.  

Locations Around Teskelia

Than Pho

Thanh Pho, the capital of Teskelia, the hidden city located in the heart of Sat doi forest is nearly a thousand years old, however in all that time it has only been destroyed and rebuilt once. Ruled by King Thetsu, an unyielding and strong ruler, who has been the king for the last 60 years. The main export of Than Pho and Teskelia as a whole is Sat Doi wood, which is as durable as steel and light as wood, creating very good material for boats (especially as it is flameproof) and because this wood seems to only be grown in the forest around Than Pho, the rarity of the wood makes an excellent trade supply.  

Sat Doi Forest

The jungle of Sat Doi (or as it is known in common tongue iron wood) is a vast wilderness that stretches for miles around every direction of Than Pho city. The trees are light as wood and durable as iron, making them excellent for trading as the Vanara are a sheltered people who have little need for a navy, keeping to themselves except on a few occasions. The forest is also known for it’s other residents, the Tabaxi , which are a race of feline-humanoids. Resembling humanoid leopards or jaguars, they are a primitive, reclusive people dwelling in the jungles of Sat Doi that despise most outsiders and will mostly avoid them. There reluctance to deal with outsiders should not be taken as weakness though, as Tabaxi are great hunters, combining quick and stealthy movements with natural camouflage to surprise prey. They are clever and organized, often driving prey into an ambush (though some play with prey before killing it).  


Cuthan is the smallest of the three cities of Teskelia, their entire trade being almost exclusively being rice, lemongrass and such harvests to the other cities. The settlement is almost exclusively known for supplying the rest of Teskelia with food and Lemongrass gin (a drink the vanara are very fond of) and because of this has the largest population-to-land ratio. Cuthan’s political structure is a very complex series of farmers unions and merchants guilds voting on almost every detail of law and procedure, using their power to ensure their profits do not dwindle. Because the law system is so tied up in self interested power grabs, any crimes committed will usually be decided by whatever guard has caught the suspect and dealt out on the spot, ranging from on-the-spot fines, to dismemberment of hands, to execution. When the Istarti came to Teskelia Cuthan was largely left alone, due to the understanding that if Cuthan fell then the battalion descending on Than Pho would starve to death within a year.  

Donatei Steppe

The Donatei Steppe is farming area made up primarily of small settlements cultivating crops of lemongrass, rice and cocoa beans. The small villages are solely inhabited by farmers and handlers for cattle, as the work is so industrious and pressured by the various guilds and union leaders to produce the most luxurious harvest for the most exorbitant price. Cang Thu Thu Cang Thu Thu is the only port city of Teskelia, and because of the dangerous waters around the island it is the singular entrance and exit to the land. The city is where most shipments from the other two settlements sell their wares, thus creating a symbiotic relationship between them all, if Cuthan or Than Pho profits, then so does Cang Thu Thu.  

Recent Events


Tesklian Invasion

When an Istartian diplomat was sent over to Teskelia for talks of trading and a possible alliance, somewhere during the proceedings King Thetsu, along with his ill temper, got belligerent and started accusing the Istartian lord of being condescending and rude, demanding they have a duel for honour.   After Killing a foreign diplomat Thetsu had sent a message to Usnium empire of Istarti, a message the Istarti senate read as war. The Istarti cut their way through the jungles of Sat Doi, the battalion of Istarti walked into the city lead by Grand Captain Intelgus Chiss, and systematically wiped the Vanaran army within a day, it was one of the most efficient and successful military takeovers in history. Thetsu was swiftly dethroned and locked in a prison of his own making.   Aside from a few bands of rebels the military takeover of Teskelia was done in a day. Intelgus Chiss was rewarded for his legendary tactics and battle strategy, receiving governing rulership over Than Pho, the capital.    

The Teskelian Revolution

After about two years of Istartian rule things had quieted down. An ambassador from Ironbrand arrived in the city, with “Intentions to discuss a trade union between Ironbrand and Teskelia” but in fact were secret revolutionaries with the goal of liberating Teskelia. The party met with General Intelgus Chiss and his advisers, discussing the trade of Sat doi for precious metals. This was actually a reconnaissance mission to learn the intelligence of the Istarti General Intelgus.   After staying a few days, the party broke the dethroned King Thetsu out of prison, taking advantage of the low guard population to sneak in and bust him out. Slowly, they spread the seeds of rebellion, gathering the old guard captain Mindra to the cause and giving the people a hero to rally behind.   A week later an army marched on Than Pho, retaking the palace and the city. During the conflict Chiss was able to escape after a duel in the throne room with the main instigators, but before he did he mocked Rava (The main instigator of the rebellion) and threw his mother off the roof of the palace. The Istarti retreated from Teskelia and the ambassadorial party: Nain, Drake, Rava and Oskar were awarded the title of Heroes of Teskelia.

Live long and die free.

Political system: Monarchy   Leader: King Thetsu Gransi   Worships: Irori, Melora, Tymora   Racial Populace: Vanara 95% Mixed 05%

Notable Citizens:

  Fai Shun (Dragon)   Thetsu Gransi (KING)   Mindra (HERO)   Rava (ADVENTURER)

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