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The Raven Queen

Death, Fate and Winter.

She is known as the Lady of fates, and the Mistress of Winter. A once Mortal and youngest of the gods, the raven queen was once a mortal woman, a Sorceress-Queen of her people, who after amassing incredible arcane power managed to kill the previous god of death, whose name is lost to time (though it is said Turgon and Lolth still remember). After slaying this god, she was granted power from Pelor to assist the dead and guide them to their eternal resting place. Her holy symbol is a raven's head.   With death comes meaning in life.  


Most other Gods do not trust the Raven Queen, after the previous god of death's attempt at total power they are wary of her and use part of their power to bind her to shadowfell, where they do not go. The Raven Queen opposes any who would harm the fate of mortals, especially Orcus, and Lolth who she is at constant war with.  


Few serve the Raven Queen, but those who do are all the more dangerous for it. Amongst the settlements of the world, the servants of the lady of death take the task upon themselves to take care for the dead. This macabre place in society, combined with their hated mistress, makes these people unloved amongst the humanoid races.   While widely disliked (who likes dying?), the Raven Queen's followers are at least tolerated, in part because of their strong opposition to the Undead--if you have an Undead problem, you can usually call on them and expect at least to pay somewhat less than if you went with one of the other Undead Extermination Services.  


The Raven Queen has few temples dedicated to her, though a few who have visited her in the shadowfell, returned and are worshippers base their temples on the Queen’s castle cut from black ice, covered in fresh snow. Few serve the Raven Queen, but those who do are all the more dangerous for it. Amongst the settlements of the world, the servants of the lady of death take the task upon themselves to take care for the dead. This macabre place in society, combined with their hated mistress, makes these people unloved amongst the humanoid races.      
Divine classification: Diety

Domain: Death, Fate and Winter

Alignment: LN

Favoured Weapon: Scythe

Honorary Titles: Lady of fates, Mistress of Winter

Resides: Fortress of Memories, Shadowfell.

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