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Thetsu Gransi

The Ill-Tempered King

"He will win he whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks, from the general to the infantryman" -Thetsu Gransi

Grey fur, a mouth that has held few smiles, and some small protruding tusks. King Thetsu is fearsome looking man, though appearances may be deceiving. Thetsu has ruled from his throne in Than Pho for many years, and is now an old vanaran, in his time his has lost everything, regained his throne, and lived through it all. He is famous for his bad temper, having lead to many problem for the nation of Teskelia. He has made many mistakes as king, and his legacy shall be a controversial one, though for good or ill, he has defined the modern Teskelia.

Banishment Of The Watchman

The early days of the heroes journey a young Rava worked in Thetsu's castle as a cleaner, though he would skip work in favour to train at the monastery, although he was caught and brought before the king. King Thetsu, though a decent ruler, had a tendency to be cruel; he claimed that if Rava didn't wish to become a guard, he must consider their training inferior to his own, that he was better than the fine men of the Teskelian military. He told Rava to pick up the wooden blades, and asked him to prove it. Rava stood there, refusing to indulge the King in his belittlement. Over and over they swung at him, but Rava trained in defense, dodged the attacks. Humiliated and angry the King tried one last attack, which Rava simply side stepped. Embarrased in front of his court, Thetsu allowed Rava to leave, his official punishment enacted. Though Rava knew this would not be the end, and so he left Teskelia for greener pastures. This would not be the last the two men met, Rava would return many years later, to save Teskelia.  

Tesklian Invasion

When an Istartian diplomat was sent over to Teskelia for talks of trading and a possible alliance, somewhere during the proceedings King Thetsu got belligerent and started accusing the Istartian lord of being condescending and rude, demanding they have a duel for honour. This diplomat was not a man of combat, and Thetsu, being trained in military fighting techniques easily defeated his opponent. The Istartian however, was not properly versed with Teskelian duelling procedure and attacked the king after the duel was over. Thetsu in his fury, held back no longer, striking the man down in a single move.   After Killing a foreign diplomat Thetsu had sent a message to Usnium empire of Istarti, a message the Istarti senate read as a declaration of war. The Istarti cut their way through the jungles of Sat Doi, the battalion of Istarti walked into the city lead by Grand Captain Intelgus Chiss, and systematically wiped the Vanaran army within a day, it was one of the most efficient and successful military takeovers in history. Thetsu was swiftly dethroned and locked in a prison of his own making.  

The Teskelian Revolution

After about two years of Istartian rule things had quieted down. An ambassador from Ironbrand arrived in the city, with “Intentions to discuss a trade union between Ironbrand and Teskelia” but in fact were secret revolutionaries with the goal of liberating Teskelia. The party met with General Intelgus Chiss and his advisers, discussing the trade of Sat doi for precious metals. This was actually a reconnaissance mission to learn the intelligence of the Istarti General Intelgus.   After staying a few days, the party broke the now dethroned Thetsu out of prison, taking advantage of the low guard population to sneak in and bust him out. Slowly, they spread the seeds of rebellion, gathering the old guard captain Mindra to the cause and giving the people a hero to rally behind. A week later an army marched on Than Pho, retaking the palace and the city. The Istarti retreated from Teskelia and the ambassadorial party: Nain, Drake, Rava and Oskar were awarded the title of Heroes of Teskelia.
Full name: Thetsu Gransi   Other names: The Teskelian Fury, Grumpy   Title: King   Age: 62   Distinctive features: Grey fur   Home: Teskelia

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