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Destruction, Dragon, and Tyranny.

  Tiamat is a greedy, vain, and arrogant goddess who embodies all the strengths of evil dragonkind, and few of their weaknesses. Tiamat is most concerned with spreading evil, defeating good, and propagating chromatic dragons. She never forgives a slight. Although she is not averse to razing the occasional village, her true schemes are subtle and hard to detect. She has been compared to a puppeteer manipulating her creations from within shadows.   I want it all... and I want it now.  


  She is the eternal rival of her brother Bahamut, the ruler of the good metallic dragons. It is hinted that her overt hatred toward Bahamut has developed, over a vast period of time, into a twisted lust for her brother as well.   Tiamat also has a scorching hatred towards Lolth the Spider Queen, when Lolth lost a realm to the Raven Queen upon her creation, she invaded Tiamat’s home and took the plane of Emar for herself.  


  Tiamat's first and foremost servants are the chromatic dragons. About 95% of them serve their goddess in some way. Those who prefer a different deity have a grim fate waiting for them. Aside from the Chromatics, Tiamat counts a notable number of humanoids amongst her servants, mainly Dragonborn and other part-dragons, such as spellscales, dragon-kin and half-dragons, and Humans. Most Kobolds worship individual dragons as gods, but the smarter ones who know about Tiamat might turn a tribe to her worship instead. The Queen of Chromatic Dragons demands reverence, homage, supplication, and tribute from her subjects.  


  Temples to Tiamat are often built within the lairs of long-dead dragons. They are filled with piles of wealth to be sacrificed to the Chromatic Dragon, as well as traps to keep out heretics and the unfaithful. Few dragons keep shrines to her in their own lairs, because they fear that she might notice their hoards and demand a portion thereof.   Evil dragons celebrate great victories by torturing prisoners and committing other atrocities in Tiamat's name. Prayers to the Dragon Queen focus on the promise of filling the world with evil dragons and either destroying it or dominating it utterly.      
Divine classification: Diety

Domains: Dragon, Evil, Greed, Tyranny

Alignment: CE

Favoured Enemy: Claw, Warpick

Honorary Titles: Queen of Chaos, The Avaricious

Resides: Azharul , Baator

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