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The Land Of Immortals

Udriotho, “The land of immortals” is home to the elven people. Most of the region is a large sylvan glade named Ulvaris, hiding inside the vast landscape and under the same name is an ancient city that belongs to the wood elves.   The inhabitants of Ulvaris, have a culture that combines traditional elven ways of life with touches of the sophisticated culture of Iarwynn. Ulvaris dwellings are of simple construction, woven into the trees themselves as to not disturb them. All animals within the "city" limits are protected, any being caught harming a beast in Ulvaris is subject to punishment.  


The city is divided amongst eight houses that all wood elves of Ulvaris descend from, these houses all have roles in the community and children belonging to them are brought up and taught the main professions of the house. Each house has a sister house which is ancestrally linked, through marriage of great heroes of old, or by long standing political ties. The eight houses and their roles are listed below:  
  • Genynore- The guards and military of Ulvaris, they protect the city from outside threats, be it pirates at the coast or just protecting Udriotho from invading nations.
  • Theydark- They supply any food and water to the city, they leave the city to hunt animals and bring them to the banquet halls where allcan come and eat.
  • Prespeiros- Wizards, scholars and Acolytes of the gods, the Prespeiros family often leave the safety of the Forrest to venture to cities to learn new innotive ways of magic and craft, then return home to teach the people.
  • Yessalor- The crafting family, every Yessalor knows the basics to carpentry, tailoring and architecture. Some will go on to specialise in blacksmithing or weaving but most are content on simpler and less violent forms of building.
  • Payarus- If it needs enchanting, protecting or any other form of arcane manipulation, then its the Payarus business, they protect the city with magical auras and aid in the protection of the city.
  • Orineiros- The Orineiros are rangers and scouts, they are trained to be impartial and firm adjudicators, most will become lawyers, judges or lawmen for neighbouring nations, be it as migrants or hired diplomats.
  • Zylnelis- The Sharo are prolific animal tamers, the stables in their main manor is one of the biggest in all Jafare, but is not just horses they hold, but elk, griffons and spiders as well.
  • Sharo- The holders of history, the Sharo maintain vast libraries documenting the history of all the houses as well as the city itself. 


Each house has a Sister-house which is ancestrally linked, through marriage of great heroes of old, or by long standing political ties. Men and women from a sister-houses are more likely to marry, though it is not mandatory. House Genynore and House Sharo are sisters, House Theydark and house Orineiros are sisters, and house Yessalor and Payarus are sisters.    

House Patriarch

The Patriarch is an important part of Ulvaris society, as it is the highest honour bestowed to a member of the household. Though it is not a rule, this honour is usually given to the eldest member of the house. The Patriarch’s two main responsibilities are the betterment of the house as a whole, and a betterment of all of Udriotho.  

Death of a Patriarch

When a Patriarch dies, the council of Patriarchs will gather and select three candidates from the House to become the new Patriarch, those three candidates will then be closed in a room called the Aithanon together for a month and at the end of the month will vote amongst themselves who becomes the new Patriarch. If no consensus is reached, they go back into the Aithanon for another month.   The funeral of a Patriarch is a momentous occasion; the house without a Patriarch will mourn for a week, no one in or out of the estate. After the mourning period a precession carrying the coffin and grieving family will walk through the streets of Aithlin, stopping at each house along the way for the fellow Patriarchs to pay their respects. The Patriarch of the sister house will then join the precession with his immediate family and follow them back to the house to be buried in the House catacomb.  


The Patriarch creates the rules and laws of the house and enforces them. These will anything from standard civilized society rules of no murder, to personalized rules based on the house’s unique place in society. For example: A law for Twilightrose’s may be to never harm an animal unless as an act of euthenasia or food.  


As the figurehead of the house, the Patriarch is personally responsible if a member of his household transgresses against another house, and a council of the Patriarchs of the other houses will decide the punishment for the offending Patriarch. The Patriarch of the transgressor will decide the punishment in house, the Patriarch is not obligated to tell the council any details of the punishment he has decided.    



The Golden City

Iarwynn, known as the city of gold due to the towers that seem to shine golden in the sunlight, though the towers upon closer inspection are really pale white, the magical defence aura that covers the structures gives off a golden shimmer that reflects down onto the city streets, casting the whole city in Pelor’s golden light. Home of the high elves, or as they prefer the noble-born. Home to around eleven thousand people, the city or Iarwynn is the second largest city in the world in terms of population. Located across a bridge over the port stands the tallest tower in the city, and home to the president of Iarwynn, Lady Umeran Windfall.   Iarwynn is protected by magical defenses and has no walls, the golden towers spread throughout the city not only cast a brilliant decoration across the city but any foe attempting to attack the city would find their ships decimated by the magical energy of the towers. The legal system is also based in magic, anyone accused or caught of a crime is taken to a “justice station” where a truth field is in effect. The main church in the city is the temple of Pelor, a massive temple that takes up a tenth of the city.  

President Umeran Windfall

Silver, straight hair gently hangs over a lean, cheerful face. Sparkling purple eyes, set high within their sockets, watch gratefully over the city they have protected for so long. Smooth skin elegantly compliments her eyes and leaves a heartbreaking memory of her past. There's something wonderful about her, perhaps it's her company or perhaps it's simply her sensitivity. But nonetheless, people tend to ask her to tell stories, while jealousy consumes them. Umeran was voted in over two hundred years ago, she is beloved by the people for her strong anti-war messages and peace keeping efforts.

In ancestral footsteps we tread.

Political system: Parlimentry government   Leader: President Umeran Windfall   Worships: Pelor, Turgon, Bahamut   Racial Populace: Wood Elf 40% High Elf 40% Human 20%

Notable Figures:

  Umeran Windfall (PRESIDENT)

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