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The Istartian Empire

  Humans who believe the gods are no longer relevant in the world, that they gave up on all of the races and wars in the world long ago and now will only pay attention to individuals who devote their lives to them alone. Now is the age of mortals, specifically man.   The law and structure of the Istartian empire is decided by a senate of lords and merchants from around Usnium, however they also have an emperor who must sign off on all decrees. The senate decides on everything from the price of bread to whether or not they go to war, however the declaration of war must be unanimous and agreed to by the emperor.  

City Planning

The streets are straight and on a grid. Through the center of the town are the two widest streets which went east-to-west and north-to-south. At the center of the town is the forum with the government buildings, temples, markets, and meeting area. Surrounding the town is a tall fortified wall to help keep out invaders. These walls are especially important for towns near the borders of the empire. Aqueducts are built outside of the town to bring fresh water to the fountains and public baths.  

The Forum & Commerce

The most important area of every Istartian city is the forum. The forum is the center of the local government and the main marketplace for the city. It is at the forum where politicians will give speeches when they are up for election. The city serves as a central point for commerce. Farmers can bring their produce into the city to trade for other goods or coins. In the forum there is generally a table where standard weights and measures can be verified. This keeps people from being cheated when doing business.  

Housing & Entertainment

There are two main types of housing in the cities. The poor and middle class people live in large apartment buildings called insulae. The majority of the people live in insulae. The wealthy live in private homes. Larger Istarti cities all have some public buildings for entertainment. These include an outdoor amphitheatre (for events like gladiator fights), a circus (used for chariot races), a theatre, and public baths. Keeping clean is important to Istartian’s living in the city. Any large Istarti city has public baths where people can go to bathe. Bathing is a popular pastime for the Istarti. They can hang out with their friends and even hold business meetings at the bathhouses.  


The home of the senate; who decides on everything from the price of bread to whether or not they go to war, however the all rulings must be unanimous. The Palace Of The Emperor lies in Politicanum, because this is where the lands richest members of society lives, Politicanum has the highest average wealth of the whole nation, along with this the main hub of the Istartian army resides (having learnt from their mistakes during the Istarti war). The city of Politicanum was built at the base of a cliff and is truly a beautiful city. Its charm is matched by the backdrop of majestic forests which have helped shape the city into what it is today. The riches these forests brought are of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with timber from those very same forests. Parks and gardens are flourishing in Politicanum and it has attracted a lot of attention. A few new cultures have left their mark not just on education, but also upon the city's identity. What historically was a city of no variation has grown into an amalgamation of differences and it's this that unites the one hundred thousand people to this day.  


Settled on the southern side of the Atlian mountain range, the city of Telumis is home to humans. The city itself looks dreadful. With its half rotten rooftops, decaying walls and menacing, overshadowing mountains, Telumis has a ghoulish atmosphere. But it didn't always look so poor, in recent months the city has been the victim of multiple dragon attacks, leading to its state of disrepair. It was discovered by a group of investigators and Legion Legate Salvestro Barbadori that below the city, in ancient elven ruins, a dragon was being tortured by an elite group of high ranking city officials, to gain information on its horde. This had been drawing in dragons with the scent of weakness. This group was outed and the dragon killed, bringing an end to the draconic invasion. Telumis has an advancing economy, which is mainly supported by carpenting, medicine and fishing. But their biggest strengths are farming and refined carpenting. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Telumis is most likely headed towards a hopeful future under the leadership of now Governor Salvestro Barbadori.  


Located on top of a valley called Harlisa Valley, the city of Impetus is lead by Governor Bernardo Geari. This city was built by the valley because it has a comfortable weather system, which is of great importance to the people of Impetus and its success. The city itself looks gorgeous. With its ironwood rooftops, and elm wood walls, Impetus has an entrancing atmosphere. The main attraction is the fountain, which was built 32 years ago and designed by a dragon. Impetus has a flourishing economy, which is mainly supported by beer brewing, animal training and farming. But their biggest strengths are rare herbalism and sustainable hunting. However, Impetus lacks people skilled in blacksmithing. Despite its strengths and weaknesses, Impetus is most likely headed towards a promising future under the leadership of Governor Bernardo Geari.  


Emperor Henik Herrscher II

Emperor Henik Herrscher II was the son of Henik Herrscher I, a brutal and cruel man who would beat and belittle Henik and his younger sister Helena. After his father died in his sleep mysteriously, Henik was declared the new emperor at age sixteen and ruled (compared to his father at least) a fair and noble leader, if not a little war hungry. Under the command of his good friend and uncle-like figure Intelgus Chiss, Henik’s empire expanded out to all of Usnium and now holds the entire continent as part of the Istartian empire.   Tesklian Invasion When an Istartian diplomat was sent over to Teskelia for talks of trading and a possible alliance, that somewhere during the proceedings King Thetsu, along with his ill temper, got belligerent and started accusing the Istartian lord of being condescending and rude, demanding they have a duel for honour.   After Killing a foreign diplomat Thetsu had sent a message to Usnium empire of Istarti, a message the Istarti senate read as war. The Istarti cut their way through the jungles of Sat Doi, the battalion of Istarti walked into the city lead by Grand Captain Intelgus Chiss, and systematically wiped the Vanaran army within a day, it was one of the most efficient and successful military takeovers in history. Thetsu was swiftly dethroned and locked in a prison of his own making.   Aside from a few bands of rebels the military takeover of Teskelia was done in a day. Intelgus Chiss was rewarded for his legendary tactics and battle strategy, receiving governing rulership over Than Pho, the capital.  

The Teskelian Revolution

After about two years of Istartian rule things had quieted down. An ambassador from Ironbrand arrived in the city, with “Intentions to discuss a trade union between Ironbrand and Teskelia” but in fact were secret revolutionaries with the goal of liberating Teskelia. The party met with General Intelgus Chiss and his advisers, discussing the trade of Sat doi for precious metals. This was actually a reconnaissance mission to learn the intelligence of the Istarti General Intelgus.   After staying a few days, the party broke the dethroned King Thetsu out of prison, taking advantage of the low guard population to sneak in and bust him out. Slowly, they spread the seeds of rebellion, gathering the old guard captain Mindra to the cause and giving the people a hero to rally behind.   After a few days the army marched on Than Pho, retaking the palace and the city. During the conflict Chiss was able to escape after a duel in the throne room with the main instigators, but before he did he mocked Rava (The main instigator of the rebellion) and threw his mother off the roof of the palace. The Istarti retreated from Teskelia and the ambassadorial party: Nain, Drake, Rava and Oskar were awarded the title of Heroes of Teskelia.  

The Rebuilding of the Empire

Returning to Usium, the few surviving members of the Istartian leadership were interrogated to determine how such a catastrophic failure had occurred so quickly. All signs pointed to Intelgus Chiss, believing he had gotten too comfortable in his position of power. Intelgus Chiss was summoned before Emperor Henik Hersch II and was beaten and ridiculed for his failures; called an imbecile and was made to walk into the city streets and apologise to passersby. The Emperor had hoped that this would humble his once most trusted general, and inspire loyalty but it had in fact done the opposite.   Intelgus Chiss was a determined man, he worked twice as hard and secured many victories against the orcs to the south. Within six years, after many mysterious deaths and brilliantly procured victories he was reinstated as Grand Captain. Chiss was Grand Captain for two years before Henik Hersch II was assassinated in his sleep, leaving no heirs. After many senate hearings and discussions Intelgus Chiss was declared Emperor of the Istartian Empire. His first declaration was to create a peace treaty between Ironbrand and Usnium, ensuring the failures of the Teskelian invasion were not repeated.  

The Istartian War

After securing a treaty of non-violence between Istarti and Ironbrand, Emperor Chiss set his sight on Whupbril. The Orc’s of G’rukak were forced back right to dragonsgrave and the city of dry steps were taken under Istartian control. Kalmori was also invaded and despite a small rebellion the people adapted to their new rulers pretty quickly. Naturally the other nations began to have concerns about the expansion of the empire and sent many warnings. They fell upon deaf ears.   After two years of secured rulership, the party that felled Chiss once before reappeared. This was a concern to the new emperor as he understood them for the threat they were. He was not about to underestimate them again. The treaty with Ironbrand had tightened their power though, as one of their members was a politician of Ironbrand, meaning he could not act without the council's approval, something they could not give.   This group was again the downfall of the Empire. They became a catalyst of war, travelling the world and securing allied nations. Creating the First Confederacy of Jafare, with the members being: Teskelia, Iarwynn, Estua, Candor, Bondstone and The Donheil Isles.   The campaign had the armies push in from the north eastern, eastern and southern borders of Usnium, splitting up the Istartian forces and opening up Policicanum, the capital city, open for attack. This was a surprising and carefully choreographed attack, The Istarti were unaware the Donheil Isles had united and believed they were two busy in their civil war to attack. This had left their southern borders open and undefended, making the preliminary armies busy for the main force to push through to the Capital.   From his throne Intelgus Chiss attempted to rally his forces, but the party that had haunted him for over a decade reappeared once more, they had used his own mother to gain access to teleport into the palace. Having learnt from his previous encounter with the group, Chiss had his own specialised group as personal bodyguards. The battle was fierce with many casualties, but in the end Chiss was slain. Of the Party of four who entered the throne room, only two left the room alive.   The Empire had fallen, the nation of Whupril was liberated and Usnium was ordered to pay monetary compensation to the allied forces. Over the years the Istarti evolved and learned from its failures, no longer attempting a global campaign and instead focusing on its own land and people, attempting to better the lives of its own citizens.

No Glory, Only Results.

Political system: Oligarchy   Leader: Emperor Mateo Tullas   Worships: none   Racial Populace: Human 75% Vanara 10% Half orc 10% Halfling 05%

Notable Citizens:

  Henik Hersch (EMPEROR)   Intelgus Chiss (EMPEROR)   Mertherna (DRAGON)   Dhealdhir (DEMIGOD)

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