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Wechdual (WECH-DULL)

Technology & Magic

The country of Wechdual is the gnomish territory covering the top corner of Eblesh, ruled over by Prime minister Rena Bipis who is widely regarded as a fair and noble leader. The large population is split into two main cultures; the magicians and the tinkerers, all gnomes are taught both from a young age, but once they reach the age of sixteen most will specialise into one of the two trades.    Some Gnomes who turn to magic will then go on to specialise their arcane skills further, moving away from the modern settlements and toward nomadic tribes. Those who specialise their technological skill will usually stay within the cities to work upon their nations infrastructure.  


Gnomish technology has had a boom in recent years, from small machines to aid in the minutiae of life, to revolutionising travel in Wechdual by connecting all the main cities in the country with a "railway" system.   


Zemja the citadel of gnomes, is the shining beacon of Wechdual. The city is complex and vertical, whenever the people need more space instead of collapsing the walls and rebuilding them, they have instead just built more homes on top of the old ones. Zemja has one of the largest airship ports in the world, constantly coming and going, creating a cloudy and shaded environment to the city below.

The main attraction though is a massive tree in the centre of town, that looks to have been grown through an dragon skull, it is said that when the ancient black dragon stormed the city it was shot down immediately, a blast of magical energy shot from one of the homes and dropped it from the sky. To this day no one of any repute has ever come forward as the defender of the city. Most of the body has now been carved up and used for materials/spells/alchemy but the skull was left as a reminder to the day someone defeated a dragon with a single shot.  


The Eastern most city of Wechdual, The Jewel of Mountains, Walled Bastion of the World Spine. Be it life or death, gold or terror, darkness or the dead-white of ice, it can be found in Oepin. Oepin has only recently began to work with the rest of Wechdual, as the railroad through the mountain was only finished about fifteen years ago. The city is only accessible by rail or by air, which has stumped many a scholar and philosopher when they have asked the question of; How the hell was this city even founded?   The mountainous terrain surrounding Oepin acts as a defence, as the sheer cliffs make it impossible for an army to advance up to. The city has one other way of entering, and that is through the underdark.The city is half above ground and half down below, where the svirfneblin live.  


Located towards the edge of the nomadic lands, Carlher is a wondrous city. Carlher has architecture similar to Candor, as originally it was a Candorian province, but was annexed by Wechdual after a plague and evacuation close to a thousand years ago. With its yew wood rooftops, oak wood walls and huge, majestic geyser, Carlher has a heavenly atmosphere. Carlher has a progressing economy, which is mainly supported by trading, fishing and wood production. But their biggest strengths are a strong defence and advanced armorsmithing.

Forwards, ever forwards.

Political system: Parliamentary Government   Leader: Rena Bipis   Worships: Tymora   Racial Populace: Gnome 90% Mixed 10%


Rena Bipis (PRIME MINISTER)   Pimtok (FREAK)   Gimble (HERO)

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