Raktir Organization in Jamina IV | World Anvil
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Raktir is the second most popular religion among the inhabitants of Jamina IV and is most practised by Titans, Giants and Collosus.   Individuals who follow Raktir believe that the sufferings in life builds strength and character, and they believe it also makes it easier to come over to their afterlife.  


The individuals that follow Raktir believe in only one god, Hemi.   Hemi is the father of a race of beings known as the Brethe, the Brethe were created in Hemi's view of themself and because of that he created them to be almost demi gods. This made him grow to hate his creations and created the humans, demons, titans and other such creatures to kill off the Brethe.   This is why the capital city of the Titans is called Brethela.  

After Life Equivelent:

People who follow Raktir believe that there is no after life, instead the souls of the dead roam the lands of Jamina IV with the souls of people who lived healthy and good lives being able to see their loved ones even after they're dead and the souls of those who lived bad and crime filled lifes are locked in a sort of death loop, living through the deaths of every creature at once for the rest of eternity.
Religious, Organised Religion

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