The Coin of Mitään Tupla Item in Jånthis | World Anvil

The Coin of Mitään Tupla

Forged by the legendary toy maker, Toi Zarious to pay off a debt to the preturnaturally lucky gambler, Mitään. This coin can hold the power to change someones destiny, if the fates will it.   Concerned that eventually his lucky streak would run dry, and a bad hand would lay him low, Mitään commissioned Toi to make a magical coin that would allow him to alter the outcome of a gamble. Toi held a grudge over the wager that placed them in Mitään's debt, believing that they had been swindled; so while they created the coin, they were unwilling to tempt divine wrath by creating something that would allow Mitään to completely cheat the god of luck. Instead they created something that afforded Mitään a second chance at luck, but at the cost of an iota of his life force (the fact that this drained life would flow back to the coin's maker, Toi saw as a happy side effect, avenging their being cheated).   Initially dubious that even Toi would have managed to create such a powerful artefact, Mitään pocketed it and near forgot about it. Until one day a bad draw of cards, playing against a river troll crime boss called Kizz'Mahht in a traditional rules game of Gryndl's Gamble, had Mitään about to lose the hand and his arm with it. In a panic, passing it off as a nervous tick, he used the coin. Reversing his fortune, winning the game, and earning himself a legend in Trolneri'tun. After that Mitään became ever more reckless in his wagers, grew ever more reliant on using the coin, even to avoid even triflingly poor results. Eventually the coin landed badly and Mitään died with his luck.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Coin of Mitään Tupla can be used once per day (uses related to double-or-nothing do not count towards this), recharges at dawn, and can be tossed as a bonus action.   Immediately after the roll of a die is known; the bearer of the Coin of Mitään Tupla can choose to flip the coin.   The person flipping the coin must declare the expected outcome before flipping the coin. When flipped, if the coin lands as it was called, then you can invert the number rolled on the die. This is done by reversing the position of the die. (Assuming a 'normally' configured die, where the opposite facing numbers sum to the total of the die type +1. For example on a D6, the two opposing faces traditionally sum to 7; so a roll of a 2 would become a roll of a 5; on a D20, a 7 can be found on the opposite side of the die to the 14. If using a custom die, take the die type, add one, then subtract the initially rolled number to get the new value; D12 rolls a 4 > 13-4 > 9). The initial and new value of the die is determined before applying any modifiers that would have applied to the role such as the +1 to hit from a magic weapon, but after any rerolls or die-selection such as from Advantage or Disadvantage.   If the coin lands opposite to the called result, then the die result is halved (rounded down to a minimum of 1). The bearer then either takes Necrotic Damage, where the amount suffered is the inverted face of the new die value (or die type +1 minus the new die value if using a non standard die or can declare double-or-nothing and flip again.   If the bearer chooses to declare double-or-nothing, they must immediately declare the expected outcome as before and then flip the coin, suffering 1 point of Necrotic Damage while it's in the air. If it lands as called, the halved die result from the initial failed toss stands and no further effect occurs. If they were incorrect in their call, they must either take double the Necrotic Damage that would have been incurred from the initial failed toss, or declare another double-or-nothing.   Every double-or-nothing toss after the first increases multiplier on the final amount of Necrotic Damage to be suffered by the number of double-or-nothing tosses (i.e the first toss doubles the damage, the second triples, the third quadruples, etc...) and costs the tosser 1 point of Necrotic Damage. If at any point the total Necrotic Damage to be suffered would equal or exceed the characters total hit points, they can no longer declare double-or-nothing and instead immediately suffer the full Necrotic Damage.   While the Coin of Mitään Tupla has a rounded outer edge to prevent it from landing on it's side; if the coin does ever land edge side up, rather than either of the two faces, it immediately explodes dealing 1d100 Necrotic Damage in a d20 foot radius sphere from where it landed.
Item type


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