{-3,-3} Titan's Repose Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{-3,-3} Titan's Repose


  • The Flying Lady: The party sails with a brand new galley and crew towards the Fractured Islands to discover the remaining Islands and help the awakened mushrooms be free to travel. Helping some and reincarnating Vichous, they pass the test of the Mushroom King and each one is forced to choose the path towards power. Sailing to the remaining islands, they discover the plains with the remains of countless Titans, following the bodies, now mechanical towards a Warforged factory.
  • New Directive : Finding S.E.L.F:
  1. Traveling to the Twin islands of Titan's repose in search of warforged facilities, the party finds on a mountain what looks to be an astral telescope in state of disrepair and guarded by very basic forms of Warforged creatures recognizing Unit's "model" and exchanging information for their help to dislodge a Roc damaging the facility.
  2. Defeating the Roc then reviving it and restraining it in a holy temple of Alyra's creation, the party clears the rubble and learns of the extraplanar origin of the telescope, observing and studying the cosmos of Eberron seemingly being the original design of the ancient facility which isn't the only of interest as the party travels to a so called abandoned factory.
  3. Finding the factory, the party unveils crucial information about the manufacturing of warforged shells and even intact prototypes as well as a sentient chair allowing Unit to access hidden information and even alter it to gain more authority on the constructs, but a portal opens and a sky-ship with mechanical appendices comes from it, moving towards the party.
  4. Fleeing before the ship could reach them, the party uncovers the hidden levels of the Astral Telescope and starts understanding how the facility is powered and repairs many of the pipes containing Dragonshard infused waters and faces against some rogue mechanical defenders before sealing the rest of the facility and discovering the origins of the forces at hand.
  5. Finally reaching the last underground level of the telescope the party finds the main source of waters and the dragonshards imbuing it's energy in them. A magical circle reveals the full extend of the reach of the telescope, compiling thousand of maps of the multiverse and allowing to lock into locations allowing one way travel and detecting open portals.
  6. Fully exploring all the levels, more information on the enemies and divine forces being used is uncovered. The party decides to lock the telescope to the birthplace of Unit and face the Living Mountain protecting the portal allowing Ships to travel through. But the enemy Sky-ship had been hard at work, repurposing the warforged titan remains into a titanic shell to be possessed.
  7. Defeating the paladins of The Blades and preventing the ritual to fully awaken the undead armored titan, the party takes over the manufacturing sky-ship and recovers a Docent from the captain's remains, a warforged injecting Khyber crystal fibers into beings to enhance and overwrite their will. With it they attempt to cross the Portal and speed past the Protector.
  8. Ward helped by the other expert craftsmen uses the pipes and Siberys shards to create a way to enhance the speed of the sky-ship as the party uses the mind altering Khyber fibers to prevent KA'tarr the great, the living mountain protector of the portal from destroying their vessel. Almost succeeding, the ship enters the portal while sustaining heavy damage causing their destination to be altered as they crash into a barren wasteland.
Environment: Huge Twin Islands, Plains, Volcano, Warforged ruins
  Landmarks: Titan's Graveyard, Warforged Factory
  NPCs: Mighty the Pirate, Vichous the Reborn, Mushroom King, Tall Neck Mushroom
Status: Scouted
Difficulty : Treacherous (1/10)
Uncovered By: Cris (DM), Shadowfax, Names are Hard, Two-Birds


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