{11,6} Endless Depths Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{11,6} Endless Depths

Hex Description

A colossal salt water lake with trenches endless depth. Floating atop the lake offset to one side, is porous black stone city, large stone round stepped pyramids connected by walkways and docks through the canals. The city is entirely Tabaxi. Beneath the city are the ruins of an aboleth city. In the center market plaza a massive Chuul is chained by dimensional shackles. The tabaxi survive by hunting out the ruins using massive dive-ing bells and massive sea creatures inhabiting the lake. They are vary curious of any outsider and tend to steal anything they think they can get away with.  

Quest Summary

  • Trials of Ascendancy: While searching out why psionics are going missing across pangea he was sent to a stone city floating on the water, one inhabited the city and had just gone missing. He quickly teleported over via the lose description and after being stolen from jumped into the depths after their last known location.
Environment: Coastal, Ocean
Status: Treacherous (1/8) Uncovered By: Josiah (DM), Master Artisan Ancalagon


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