{1,0} Land of Jay Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{1,0} Land of Jay

Lore Summary:

Tribals relying mostly on hunting and gathering for food and recently supplies from Jaytown, they have grown used to adventurers and traders coming by their village and although most guards won't understand common outside of “Go” “Elder” “Follow” “Drink” (after multiple cases of adventurers offering alcohol) they will guide new faces to Elder Plyx without too much suspicion.   With the help of adventurers from Jaytown the Yellow Crane Tribe rose to dominance west of Jaytown by wiping out every man, woman and child of their rival tribe the Black Daggers. Since taking control of the area the Yellow Crane have been allies with Jaytown and often are seen selling trinkets such as slime bubbles that allow you to breathe underwater to Jaytowners or moorbounders and calling on Jaytown for help such as defeating the quasi-mortal necromancer Shakar Kie, defending them from the former ogre kingdom in Orksfordshire, large beasts such as elephants and even ice mephits during the winter months.   The area is also home to a number of bandits who have worked with the Hallowed Brotherhood, the Bounty and the Grinning Skulls in the past. Adventurers from Jaytown cleared out a copper mine run by a dragon named 'Thejraxis'.  

Story Hooks:

  • "Finger of the Kaan": After killing an orc village with the help of Jaytown, the yellow cranes found three turquoise necklaces known as the Finger of Khan. It is believed they are part of ancient magic but have been corrupted and the original magic is unknown Yellow Crane Tribe
Environment: Forest
  Landmarks: Tomb of Shakar Kie, Bubble Slime Pond, Yellow Crane Goblin Clan Village, Black Dagger Goblin Clan Village, Orc Encampment, Bandit Camp, Destroyed Outpost, Sealing Stone Glade, Jaytown Docks
Characters in Location
Other NPCs: Kodama, Pale Rider, Sneebils, Jimbo, Henry the Entrepreneur
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Open (5/5)
Uncovered By: Jay


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