{1,9} Astora DM Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{1,9} Astora DM


  • Remnant of Ashes: At the request of Cielle, Arima ventured to the homeland of Anna to retrieve a gift for the cleric. Upon arriving the cursed lands siphoned his magic capabilities, but stepped forth to explore. Quickly encountering a dangerous dragon lurking in the shadows of a dark basin, before escaping and bumping into a squire, Lily. After helping Lily in a predicament she led Arima to Firelink Shrine to meet a group of Knights. They exchanged info and Arima headed to a northern shine, following a perilous path. There, Arima found an extinguished bonfire, and the remnants of Anna's past, including a locket which he now aims to return to the cleric.
  • Soul and Sanctuary: Arima delivered the locket to Anna, helping to unveil her past as a Firekeeper. He would return to Astora to learn more, hoping to find a way to aid those fighting the dark. While there, he found the lost soul of another Firekeeper who had also severed her connection to her bonfire. Upon delivering it to Anna, she embraced it, allowing the soul to find a place within her own bosom, and bestowed Arima with the boon of the Firekeeper, accepting his oath as her knight to combat the forces of the dark in Astora.
  • Sanctuary and Fire: Arima returned to Astora to aid others escape, though he quickly became the one in need of aid. The dark had advanced, and he was ensnared by Kalameet the dragon. Kalameet demanded a specific Knight of Astora be presented to him immediately. Arima, unable to fulfill this demand was nearly killed, only able to appease the dragon when presenting evidence of his own involvement with the Dark's mysterious Maiden and Entity. The dragon then commanded him away, to kindle the next flame, only for Arima to go blind when faced with the untapped potential of the weave at Firelink.
  • Elucidation by Fire: Arima had been trapped by an imprisonment spell. He was confronted by the Maiden of the Dark who offered him the same dark power which consumed Kalameet. Upon resisting, the maiden "killed" Arima, releasing him from his imprisonment and returning him to Anna along with Lily. Having made this mysterious new ally, plans are revealed to defeat the Dark, but two knights of Astora, brothers, may threaten its success inadvertently.
  • Jolly Cooperation As the dark continues to spread in Astora, Arima rallies allies, Gurrah and Kur-Tark to join his effort in tracking down the two errant Knights. Some of the land's mysteries begin to unravel, but it only leads to more questions about the Dark, the First Flame, and Kalameet, the once platinum dragon. Perhaps there is a place where these answers can be sought as divination magic falls short.
  • Astora Pt. 6 - The Fire Fades: Arima an co. return to Astora only to find the bonfire at Firelink Shrine extinguished, severed from the weave. With the Firekeeper and Knight of Astora missing, they begin a search, only to discover an arcane eye keeping watch on them, as well as tracks which lead to the Knight's Pass.
  • Astora Pt. 7 - Into the Dark After attempting to entrap the arcane eye, the party follows it to the edge of the Dark Basin where Arima first encountered Kalameet. There they witness the arcane eye be consumed by the Dark before retreating away, not wanting to stir what was inside, and backtrack to follow the tracks up Knight pass, ultimately leading them to Faraam, a Knight of Astora, petrified by a Tomb Tyrant.
  • Astora Pt. 8 - Brothers in Arms: Upon successfully rescuing Faraam, the group returned to Firelink Shrine to discern what had transpired in Arima's absence. It seems Jacque believes his maiden is still alive after the stories Arima had told him of Anna and Reynauld, and he set off into the dark to search for answers, failing that, to fulfill an unknown promise. Faraam tells the party the Grand Archives is likely where he is headed for answers, yet it is in the heart of Kalameet's domain, and is said to be where the first firekeeper was created.
  • Astora Pt. 9 - The Grand Archives: Arima and co. regroup with Jacque facing down Kalameet at the entrance to the Grand Archives. After activating a gate portal they manage to escape the dragon's wrath and enter the demi-plane that which hosts a wealth of information from a time before Astora's downfall.
  • Astora Pt. 10 - The Dark Descent: Arima and Kur-tark finally meet Ser Reynauld who was awaiting Ser Jacque's arrival in the Grand Archives. The two knights part from the adventurers to meet with someone named Emma. Finally having a moment to rest, Arima and Kur-tark peruse the Archives, only to find a tome with an imprisoned Wax inside. Since Arima didn't have the foresight to not cast foresight, the two try their hand at creative writing, eventually finding a way to free Wax and have him join the party
Environment: Mountains
  Landmarks: Firelink Shrine
  NPCs: Jaque, Lily, Holt, Faamir, Shrine Maiden
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Treacherous (10/10)
Uncovered By: Bake (DM), Brother (Arima)
DM Location: Bake


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