{14,5} Pyramid of Nagash Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{14,5} Pyramid of Nagash

Hex Description

Among the hot sands, and underneath hundreds of sandstone and footprints lie a jewel in the desert. Where people lie in wait for their old masters to rise once again. Within these sands, you would find old ancient ruins, temples, and civilizations lost to time itself.  

Quest Summary

  • To rescue a barbarian: The party is tasked to rescue a lost barbarian in the desert after a mission goes south. The group successfully rescues a charmed Barbaros and kills the False Hydra after its song proves to be ineffective against the party.
  • Grave robbing or Archaelogy: A party of Jaytowners is tasked with exploring a ruin in the desert, looking for traps and how to avoid them, find the safest route possible in order to explore the ruin. The party managed to learn how deadly the traps can be if one does not look around and many more lay in the ruins, they opted to retreat before it got too much and gave a decent report back to their employers.
  • Adventurer for hire : Eldain is tasked to deal with books in a magical library when books came alive after a magical sandstorm made it so. Eldain experienced this magical sandstorm himself and his own swords came alive and attacked him.
  • Adventurer for hire II: Whilst rangling the animated books, Eldain saw visions. He brought the subdued books to the librarian and asked him questions, who then revealed himself to be a dragon. It ended with Eldain teleporting away midway the fight due to the dragon being a dragon and getting away with the 2 books which contains a person each
Difficulty (pick 1): Treacherous
Status: Scouted (4/10)
Uncovered By: Mariya, Jinglehof, Nazaria Dakila, Ancalagon the Wise


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