{2,-1} Forgotten Ruins Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{2,-1} Forgotten Ruins


  • Not All Who Wander are Lost: Part 1: Party ran the first expedition to these lands which are covered in veils of a black and ominous mist. Within one of these misty areas the party encountered a large oak tree bound by accursed chains. Breaking the chains summoned a ghastly phantom like creature - a Wanderer - which whispered and babbled into the minds of the party, nearly driving them mad and to the brink of death. The party felled the creature, and the mist subsided, only to reveal a cloaked figure watching them from afar. More of these lands are still covered in the dark mist.
    Part 2: Party returned to the forest ruins in an effort to lift more of the mysterious black mist. Travels led them to a crypt guarded by many undead and aberrations, encountering another "Wanderer" which was the source of darkness in the area. After a tough fight it was felled, 1 area of black mist remains.
  • Mansion of Madness:Part 1: Party made their first attempt at assaulting the manor upon the escarpment in the ruined forest, believed to house the cultists of the area and which propagates most of the dark mist in the region, but they didn't get far, another attempt will need to be made. Black mist continues to defile the area.
    Part 2: Party fought through the Wanderers and Seekers within the mansion, and found the cult leader on the verge of completing a dark ritual. Freezing him to death just before it completed, the party was able to stop whatever dark energy it would have unleashed. Finishing off the Wanderers has also put an end to the Black Mist within the area.
  • The Alchemist Meets the Alchesmite: The party mass-ordered potions from crazy alchemist Hamza Flamel, who wanted them to test the potions ability to combine with each other, with a special element known as Hamzonium acting as catalyst. Hamzonium could possibly be used in the future to help Trent learn how to create more advanced potion recipes.
  • The Hunted:Part 1: Lena Yuth sent the party to capture moorbounders in the swamps for her joint venture with the goblins, the party spent two days fighting off swamp perils and returned with a Bristleback moorbounder and another male, after placing them in the cage wagons the expedition leader was both excited to have an alpha as part of the breeding program but disappointed there were no females.
    Part 2: Necron went into the swamp to find a female moorbounder for Lena youth's breeding program after two days facing deadly monsters with his army of unread he came out victorious. The Yellow Crane Tribe will be breeding and training moorbounders exclusively supplying Lena Youth rather than importing them by sea.
  • Uneased Tension: Part 1: The group were tasked to trackdown the missing expedition team, instead they found themselves mixed in a conflict between the Scotwood elves patrols and the ash goblins. The team stormed the fort with the help of the elven owlbear riders, but the ash goblin "mad" king and its shaman sealed the barrier to the cave behind them.
    Part 2: The adventurers returned back to the Ash Goblin Fort, they were tasked to find another entrance or deal with the barrier itself. They sought an orb to deal with the curse of the red mithral. The barrier is weakening from the orb but it will take time.
  • The Swamped Tavern: Trent sends for help: her witch friend wants to investigate strange happenings near a tavern that magically appeared in the swamps, containing coven witches. Negotiating with them, the party defeats undead syrens.
  • An Impromptu Delve: After a report came in from explorers of a strange murder near some ruins that seem to run deeper than just a cave, a small band of party members set out of Jaytown to find the culprit. After scaling down the entrance to the ruins the party was met with traps and mystery down the ancient halls. Eventually they found the culprit, a Spirit Naga that has been skulking in the shadows. The party engaged them, through spells and teamwork they were able to vanquish the beast with a killing blow from a scimitar, or so it seems.. As the party members exited the ruins, believing themselves victorious, they had received a modicum of gold and a few bags of holding the Naga was hoarding in his possession. The party safely returned to Jaytown believing the mission to be done.
  • Thicker Than Water: After making their way through the dungeon, the party located Agmar finishing the portal ritual. After a long fight, one of the Succubi managed to escape through a blood portal. The ceiling itself then turned into a portal, and an Ancient Red Dragon along with both his son and daughter appeared, flying out of the dungeon.
  • Chasing Stairs: Origin: Per Lena's request newly appearing staircases need investigating. Some parties have already gone there and encountered foreign monsters around staircases, protecting it. All of the parties succeeded in killing them but some decided to venture into the collapsing tear in the force field with the necklace they found on the monsters' chief, trapping them in Infinite Staircase.
    The End: Getting tired of that Staircase in Forgotten Ruins, Lena has assigned a party to deal with that Staircase once and for all. Party tried to kill their way through it, but a well placed fireball while one of them was trying to negotiate broke the truce talks and made them run away with one casualty and with one Finger of the Kaan lost.
  • Never ask a Sheep for Directions: Andras set out with some friends to track down the wandering cleric, Yawen, rumored to be consecrating grounds in the forgotten ruins. The Aasimar cleric voiced his praise to meet another child of Lathander, asking him to help shepherd lost souls in the area, which the party would accomplish. Andras then joined Yawen on his pilgrimage to learn more about his faith and developing powers.
Environment: Swamp
  Landmarks: Cursed Oak, Forgotten Crypt, Ash Goblin Fort, Lacroix Manor (empty), Traveling tavern, Witch swamp
  NPCs: Alchemist Hamza Flamel, Mathis, Elven Owlbear Riders, Elamarr
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Challenging (8/8)
Uncovered By: Bake (DM), Rhayd, Aimead, Muadd, Jerax, Names Are Hard


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