{4,0} Badlands Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{4,0} Badlands


The Badlands was once the richest farmlands in the area but is now a blasted rocky wasteland, with the highest concentration of Horrors in the land. Legend holds that a large number of breached and undiscovered kaers lie forgotten in the Badlands, but few adventurers that journey in search of them ever return.  


  • Pursuit of the Peddler: Part 1: Attempting to find an item to banish Giftbringer from Travar the party enters the badland and finds it to be 100% corrupted and a wasteland of Horrors and other monsters. No signs of uncorrupted life other than near the edges.
  • Part 2: This wasteland is a realm of Horrors and corrupted monsters. Few have entered and those that return have merely touched the edges.
  • Shadow of Shadowfell: Party entered badlands seeking information on The Wanderer. Found a crystal entity instead.
  • Strengthening the Defenses: Party investigated rumours of a tattoo prodigy hermit in the forest. Found Yellowcrane outlaw goblins nearby and tracked the hermit's kidnappers to a cave in the Badlands. Killed most of the inhabitants of the cave through asphyxiation, rescued the hermit, and returned the goblins to Yellowcrane tribe. Hermit taught Kira the methods of magical tattoos.
  • Delving Deep: Party entered the Badlands and found a half buried airship. Destroyed the horror constructs in the area before teleporting back to Jaytown.
  • Kaer Diving part 2: The party continued deeper into the Kaer.
Shooting through the sky, Little Einsteins: Part returned to the airship, smacked the engine around a few times and flew off. Saw a witch flying around in a mortar and pestle but flew away that they believed to be Baba Yaga but they didn't investigate where she was going or why.
  • A Task to Prove: Sorik stole a magic gem to prove he can steal things to Roselyn. They fought a fire minotaur in a labyrinth and almost got stuck as a result of triggering a lava trap. Sorik destroyed the temple.
  • Way of the Archer: An elven archer named Erdan got gravely injured both in his body and mind because of a powerful creature that recently took up residence nearby. The adventurers set out to slay it and succeeded not without difficulty. They discovered the tracks of cultists of Raggok, the abomination they just fought.
  • The Library of Lost Beginnings: Players went to the desert in search of a legendary library in search of knowledge on the cult of Levistus. Found the 7 floored library. Encountered Sophia the succubus on the 7th floor. and Old Silver was revealed to be an ancient silver dragon.
    • Into the Fog: Party prepared for the trip and is met with fog and guiding light. Upon entering, they discovered that the fog is toxic to the body, made a vaccine and trudged through. Met with an undead lunatic lady who provided little information to the party about the area and its history. She deemed them trouble makers and hallucinations and proceeded to drive them off her rotting farm with a hoe. They are now in the second layer about to enter a thicker fog and deadlier.
    • Bramrus' Vendetta Ride: Bramrus gets an anonymus tip off signed with COF that a group of orc are in the fog filled area. upon getting a group Rhythm opened pandora's box and unleashed an evil to pangaea. The group saw an orc demon and fended him off and returned him to hell and fought against their followers. Returning to jay town the group was welcomed with a note from the teleport circle with chest full of gold and signed again with COF.
    • The Baddest Lands:Nadvigar sent the group to find more information on the tattoo artist that taught Kira. They found him, a man named Dorian J who had managed to take over some of the horrors, and used them to help learn who people truly are.
    • Tainted Waters: Uthwix, Perseus, Happy and Tristan went into Sibop's lair to put an end to his tainted water pranks. They travelled across the dungeon and found his room, couldn't made diplomacy work and decided to attack him. Combat ended in all of them dying and the Mad Alchemist Sibop using their bodies for new experiments.
Environment: Wasteland
Landmarks: Lost Temple (Destroyed), Dim (elven treetop village), Library of Perpustakaan
NPCs: Baba Yaga, Erdan, Vadania, Raggok (dead for now), Yveeti the Ifreeti, Old Silver
Uncovered By: Paul (DM), Asulf, Gurrah, Jason and Rhythm
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Unassailable (15/15)
DM Location: Citadel of the Fog (DM: Francis)
A citadel standing tall amidst the waste, only those brave or foolish enough to venture forth into the lands have a chance of seeing this structure jutting about the fog clouds. Few that entered this place leave due to the bounty inside and the dangers that lurks about the wasteland. Untouched by the vile of the lands below the citadel gives off an aura of sinister and sanctity.


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