{4,10} Arekos Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{4,10} Arekos


  An unforgiving Savanna with a dominant Leonin population. A haunting forest to the west with a Human kingdom. And to the North, Orcs roam the mountains.  

Quest Summary

  • Arekos Beginnings: The party of adventurers began their journey through Arekos with little knowledge and preperation; however, they quickly learned of the heat of the grassland and the viciousness of the Scarred Pride. They traveled from city to city in hopes to make it to the capital Nerakos in order to participate in the Imperial Arena Challenges.
Environment: Forest, Plains
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Open
Uncovered By: Sharkie (DM), Vielle Darnell, Niore Taldram, and Eiko
DM Hex: Sharkie


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