{4,5} Crystal of Harmony Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{4,5} Crystal of Harmony


An enormous desert was created by what the region inhabitants call "The Purge". It happened an undefined number of years (centuries?) ago and people barely have any memory of it. What's certain is the region is plagued by fiends all throughout. The only safe havens are the city of Crystaltop, where most people took refuge, and the village of Tlazohtlaloni, where the arrival of the night is celebrated every time.  


  • Crystal Clear: Tlazohtlaloni is a village of bodiless souls, built under a huge crystal. Most people escaped the purge by escaping to Crystaltop.
  • Treasure Hunt: Jewels and Pearls: 1: The souls from the village are again surprised by the arrival of visitors. A former craftsman suggests going to the nearby Cave of the Eagle Beak to find some crystals with magical properties.
  • The Crunchy Desert: Crystaltop is shaking with earthquakes and Brother asked for help from some people of Jaytown. The adventurers found some fiendish creatures gnawing at the insides of the crystal where Crystaltop stands.
  • Caverns of the Crystalline Monolith: Thalia, Ezra, Mr. Moray and Fluffer was employed by Gnome sage Mr T. to ask an ancient Crystalline Entity about a certain aberrant sickness. They made it through geothermal caverns and sharp rocks and was able to learn the root cause of the sickness. Someone is trying to set free The Chained God.
  • The Mad Refugees: Drymnor, Tilly-Tron & Aethis were employed by Mr T. to investigate the raids happening on Crystaltop outskirts. After searching in the wilderness they found a crystaline cave protected by a mutated goblin, self proclaimed "Chosen of Tharizdun"
Environment: Desert   Landmarks: Tlazohtlaloni (village), Crystaltop (city), Cave of the Eagle Beak   NPCs: Ichtaca, Brother   Uncovered By: MAle (DM), Josiah, Alyra, Endran, Names are hard
Status: Scouted   Difficulty: Challenging (5 / 8)


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