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The world of Jerra is a nexus of many realms and other worlds, all colliding together after a magical disaster brought ruin to creation. Ancient civilizations, forbidden magic, and lost wonders lie buried beneath the surface. New races have arisen to dominate the world, while older, forgotten powers watch from the darkness, biding their time to return.   The lifesblood of Jerra, and indeed the entire cosmos, is the primordial energy known as Vril. The source of magic, of life, of reality itself, Vril is a cosmic energy that can be harnessed through sorcery and technology. Its abundant presence on Jerra has fueled many civilizations, who rely on its plentiful and self-renewing nature. Technological marvels, grand feats of sorcery, and the rise of magnificent cities are all owed to the power of Vril.   As the civilizations of Jerra have grown and evolved, coming into extensive contact with one-another, they have come to a grim realization; the widespread exploitation of Vril has begun to adversely affect the energy's availability. Once rich Vril reserves are being depleted faster than nature can replenish them, the nations of Jerra consuming it at greater and greater rates.   The great powers of the world have all come to the same conclusion; the world is not big enough for all of them.   Now, armies are being raised, war machines constructed, battle lines drawn. War has been declared, as the nations of Jerra each seek to conquer their neighbors and secure precious Vril sources for their own use.

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