
Altstrake is the chief deity of the dwarven pantheon

Altstrake appears as a stern male dwarf. He has powerful musculature, particularly in his upper body. His beard is long and flowing, reaching to his knees; it is depicted as either snow-white or coal-black. Altstrake dresses plainly, wearing furs and the leather leggings and aprons of a humble smith, always reflecting the heritage of the clans. On his forearms are his only concession to vanity, a pair of pure gold bracers hold his wrists. In battle he wears dwarven plate and carries a large shield. His large, glowing war hammer is named Soulhammer. A pure white radiance of divine power radiates from the Dwarf-father, though he can suppress this at will.

Holy Books & Codes

On the monthly holy days, common and precious metals are sacrificed to Altstrake by melting them down at a forge; preferred practice is at the Eternal Forge replica found in almost every stronghold and reforming them into objects usable by the clergy.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is a hammer and anvil; most clerics of Altstrake carry a miniature moonmetal war hammer, often magically treated.


Holy Days Altstrake's holy days fall monthly; in some cultures, this is when Luna is full, while in others it is when Luna is a crescent. In addition, and High Forgesmith may call a holy day at any time, often doing so in celebration of some local event.



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